#POLITRICKS “If Zanu PF ever loses, expect us to chop your arms off. We will not get arrested since the police belong to us the Zanu PF people” In January, Zanu PF local leaders forced villagers to attend the party’s meetings ahead of the primary elections to select Zanu PF candidates to contest in the March 26 by-elections. Zanu PF ward and district leaders used the same methods of harassment, intimidation and assault. The party has for long abused its influence in government to manipulate aid distribution processes to deny aid to deserving beneficiaries who do not support the party. As the party drew towards the primary elections, it held several meetings in the respective wards and constituencies to mobilise those who were to choose the party’s candidates for the March 26 by-election. Zanu PF once again used its coercive methods to mobilise people, and during the meetings, officials threatened attendees – especially in rural areas- that if they failed to vote Zanu PF they would be removed from social welfare and agricultural inputs lists of beneficiaries. This happened under circumstances where those who chose not to support Zanu PF in the past had been denied agricultural inputs support under the government’s Pfumvudza agricultural inputs scheme. At one of the meetings, held on 16 January at Siyawamwaya Business Centre in Murehwa North, a Zanu PF ‘coordinator’, Munyaradzi Munetsi allegedly threatened other supporters with violence, if the Nelson Chamisa led opposition party, now known as the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) was to win the council seat for Murehwa North Ward 8. Reminding people of the 2008 state and Zanu PF-sponsored wave of political violence, where over 200 opposition supporters were killed and thousands injured and tens of thousands displaced, Munetsi told supporters at a meeting his party would go on an orgy of violence where they would chop off the hands of those who would have voted for the opposition. “Zanu PF ikangodyiwa tarisirai ma long and ma short sleeves, isu hatisungwi nekuti mapurisa ndeedu isu maZanu (If Zanu PF ever loses, expect us to chop your arms off. We will not get arrested since the police belong to us the Zanu PF people” It should be noted however that in 2008, while the long and short sleeve methods were spoken about no single victim presented with such Such threats cannot be taken lightly for a number of reasons, the first one being that indeed, in 2008, following the loss of the then Zanu PF leader Robert Mugabe to the now late opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai, those suspected to have voted for the opposition suffered gross acts of violence. Secondly, the police and other state security agents have continued to fail to display impartiality and having a Zanu PF official confirming that the police are in their pocket should be condemned, and the police should come out in public to exonerate themselves from such reckless claims meant to intimidate citizens and scare them from making their political choices freely in accordance with the Constitution of Zimbabwe, which in Section 58, states that every person has the right to freedom of assembly and association, and the right not to assemble or associate with others and that no person may be compelled to belong to an association or to attend a meeting or gathering. In addition to intimidation and harassment, the party employed subtle coercive vote buying using government-issued agricultural inputs. For example, on 20 January, a Zanu PF Ward Chairperson Reny Manyara, after forcing villagers to convene at Mubaira Growth Point in Mhondoro, he reportedly doled out government input scheme fertilizer and said it was in ‘appreciation for their coming’ and asked for votes in return. CONTINUED NEXT PAGE

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