The percentage difference between male victims and male perpetrators is less distinct. There is generally a drop in the total recorded number of victims between July (441) and August (383), however the total number of perpetrators recorded in the two months remained relatively unchanged for both July (337) and August (336) Figure 7: Vi ol ence Perpetrat ors by Organizat ion Figure 6: Violence Vict im s by Pol it ical Party The percentage distribution of violence victims across the political parties in fig.6 shows that MDC-T is generally bearing the brunt of violence at 31% of total victim count, compared to Zanu PF at 18%. However almost 50% fall into the unknown category, meaning that information about political party affiliation of the victims could not be obtained by ZPP monitors on the ground. It is noted though historically perpetrators of violence, particularly Zanu PF targeted the opposition, but since the start of the ‘gamatox’ purges it is no longer accurate to assume this. In terms of recorded figures of perpetrators of violence. Fig.7, Zanu PF stands at 82% of total count, compared to the second ranking MDC-T at a single digit of 8%. It is well worth noting that about 7% of the recorded violence perpetrators were state perpetrator, comprising the Zimbabwe Republic Police, (ZRP) and the Central Intelligence Organisation, (CIO). The trend follows through from July were the highest number of perpetrators were from the Zanu PF Party, followed by MDC-T. 9  

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