#BYELECTION ZPP noted that on the day of voting, ZEC officials ensured that only those with their names appearing on the voters’ roll proceeded to vote, and officials crossed out the names of those who would have voted. courts, charged with violating the Electoral Act. did not appear at polling stations, they voted at in 2018. According to the Zimbabwe Election Support Chinyoka of Mufakose went to Network, in some instances, over Crowborough Sewage Works 25 persons were turned away at polling station vote using her some polling stations, adding to sister’s ID. the fears that the voters roll had An hour later, her sister went to been tampered with as has been There was, however some concern the same polling station to attempt revealed by the pressure group, about the indelible ink used by ZEC to vote and that is when the Pachedu. to mark the fingers of those who offence was discovered, leading to would have voted. In some polling In our campaign, code named Elizabeth’s arrest. stations people felt that the ink Resist, Reject and Report Violence Mupanguri, of Highfield, allegedly (RRRV), which seeks to end was not indelible and would be went to Mbizi Primary School, easily removed posing a risk for political violence as we trudge Ward 25 in Highfield East to cast the voting process to be taken towards the 2023 harmonised his vote. advantage of by those wanting to elections, we document cases of try their luck at voting twice. politically motivated human rights He then produced a national violations and separate them from identity card in the name of ZPP recorded situations where the rest of the human rights Zvikomborero Mupanguri. A some citizens had erased the ink violations. polling officer told him that the ID without much effort. The belonged to Zvikomborero organisation, however, did not So, as seen in the graph below, Mapanguri, but he insisted that he there was an increase in the record any incidents of double voting. Where people attempted to was the owner of the identity card. number of politically motivated He was taken to the police where use another person’s national human rights violations at 82, up he was found with a birth identity card, ZEC officials from 70 in February and we have certificate with his actual name, detected it and took appropriate recorded two fatalities, in Tafadzwa Mupanguri. There was a Mashonaland West and Central action. high number of people being provinces. Elizabeth Chinyoka and Tafadzwa turned away because their names Mupanguri are currently before the Using a highly sophisticated data analysis tool, ZPP maps the severity of the violations to give an indication of the political volatility of each province. 12 10 10 8 7 6 5 6 4 7 8 6 5 4 3 4 2 0 1 11 1 1 1 2 1 1 Fatal 1 Mild serious severe

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