METHODOLOGY This report is based on reports from ZPP long-term community based human rights monitors who observe, monitor and record cases of human rights violations in the constituencies they reside. ZPP deploys a total of 420 community-based primary peace monitors (two per each of the 210 electoral constituencies of Zimbabwe). These community-based monitors reside in the constituencies they monitor. They compile reports that are handed over to ZPP provincial coordinators who man the different ZPP offices in the ten administrative provinces of Zimbabwe. Upon receipt and verifications of the reports from the monitors, the provincial coordinators compile provincial monthly monitoring reports, which are then consolidated at national office into the ZPP monthly monitoring reports published in retrospect. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The month of August 2014 witnessed a significant decline in the number of recorded incidents of politically motivated human right violations despite Zanu PF holding its Youth and Women’s League conferences. There were 196 cases compared to the 229 incidents witnessed during the month of July. The two Zanu PF conferences were held amid reports of alleged abduction and kidnapping which were dispelled by some members of the party, massive vote buying and violence. The youth and women’s league congresses endorsed President Robert Mugabe as the sole party candidate for the 2018 while his wife who has made a surprising leap into the political fray was also endorsed as the secretary for the Women’s League. Despite the significant decline in the cases of political violence, incidents of farm invasions were recorded in Mashonaland Central, Matabeleland North and South. The latest case was recorded on 26 August when Zanu PF MP from Muzarabani South Christopher Chitindi refused to hand over keys or unlock Samaphiri farm's main gate for remaining white owners Sabastian Zietsman and his mother Elizabeth Zietsman. The Zietsmans tried in vain to get the keys back but Chitindi threatened them before ordering them to return back to Harare. Farm guards were chased away and replaced by Chitindi’s brothers. Contacted for a comment, Chitindi confirmed the take-over of the farm adding that the farm had been allocated to new black owners. 250 200 229 196 188 150 100 50 0 1 June July MDC-T MP for Gweru Cecil Zvidzai was detained at Gweru central police station on 16 August. Zvidzai is being charged with unlawfully smuggling in 847 windup radios in October 2010. Zvidzai was made to write a statement over the same by Detective Sergeant Mabvuregudo of CID law and order and inquiries are being made in connection with the case of smuggling. He denies the allegations. August On the sixth of August the manager at Ingwe Safaris which is part of Kanondo Safaris owned by Minister of Transport Obert Mpofu was assaulted by unknown soldiers, for inciting co-workers to demand their salaries for the past 9 months. The soldiers came at around 1900hrs and called the victim and told him that they were sent by Minister Mpofu to attend to the workers problem, but when he came out of the farm house he was assaulted by the soldiers who used Mopani tree branches. He sustained some bruises and sores. They further accused him of being a sell-out. FOOD AND OTHER FORMS OF AID VIOLATIONS Countrywide there were a few incidents of violations involving accessing food hand-outs. The incidents recorded included being denied access to food because of one’s political affiliation, being ordered to denounce one’s party in order to access food, being ordered to produce a party card before accessing food and being ordered not to wear party regalia at the food distribution point. Below are highlights of these incidents in the various provinces. 2

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