FOCUS WE SAID SO BUT NOONE LISTENED 25 May 2022, ZimLive reports that, according to the Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ), Zimbabwe will import 400,000 tonnes of white maize from Zambia and Malawi as the country battles yet another bout of food insecurity. The irony is that the country is importing from its neighbours, which have the same climatic and soil profile conditions. The importation is despite the government of Zimbabwe having run sustained agricultural support programmes such as Command Agriculture and Pfumvudza. Late last year, The Herald newspaper dutifully reported that President Mnangagwa’s administration had introduced transformational measures in the agricultural sector anchored at achieving food security in the country and a return to self-sufficiency. The Herald went on to state that the measures included, among other things, the Command Agriculture - contract farming aimed at supporting local farmers, the Pfumvudza concept - a concept of increased production with minimum resources as well as putting emphasis on climate proofing. ZPP, standing to its true mandate of being a watchdog, continued to monitor the agriculture support mechanisms and noted quite a number of disturbing developments, which it put forward for consideration by government. In November 2021, ZPP recorded cases of politicisation of Pfumvudza inputs aid where there was a deliberate and systematic process of sidelining perceived or real supporters of opposition political parties from benefitting from a government scheme that is supposed to benefit everyone regardless of their political affiliation. In some cases, the distribution of the maize and fertilizer was done Nicodemously. In direct contravention of the Constitution, Zanu PF and government officials and local leaders charged with the distribution of inputs conducted themselves in an openly partisan manner, and showed little regard for the respect of the fundamental value of equality and dignity for all. 8

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