#MACHETEGANGS CONTINUED FROM PREVIOUS PAGE For Zanu PF, it is clear that the target is not the March 26 byelection but instead, it is the 2023 harmonised elections, and the time is now to intimidate people and create an atmosphere of fear such that by the time elections are held in 2023, many people will not be as free to express themselves. Artisanal miners are not just used against Zanu PF’s political rivals, but Zanu PF politicians also wield their connections to artisanal miners to advance their position in the ever-shifting Zanu PF structures and it is largely plausible that the attack on CCC supporters attending a rally in Kwekwe on Sunday 28 February could have been an act manifesting ever formenting factional fights in Zanu PF. Information at hand suggests that the suspects were arrested at a lodge owned by ousted Owen Ncube. Artisanal miners are also used to beef up the numbers attending Zanu PF rallies or to cast votes for the ruling party in opposition strongholds, in return for tacitly allowing miners to grab valuable mining assets. Looking ahead to Zimbabwe’s 2023 election, the resurgence of machete gangs, most of whom are artisanal miners, pose a genuine concern to the safety of citizens who might want to exercise their political rights. The ruling Zanu PF could use machete miners as an instrument to retain power in targeted areas. While artisanal miners have no collective rights under the law it is regrettable they will be rendered vulnerable to abuse for political gain during election time. Gang violence flourishes around gold mines and the rule of law is either weak or simply does not exist as law enforcement agents are either incapacitated, or fear the political consequences of taking decisive action. This is why then the 16 people were arrested after attacking the CCC rally in Kwekwe, 11 were released the following day without proper explanation from the police. The young people who ply the mines as artisanal miners tell of gross acts violence that is common in the mines. Some videos have been leaked where severe torture is used to command control. ZPP recommends the following measures to end gang violence and ensure that Zimbabweans enjoy their right to freedom of assembly and association. Government should revise the country’s Mines and Minerals Act to give artisanal mining cooperatives legal standing, and adequately fund the ministry of mines unit responsible for the artisanal mining sector Parliament should resume its enquiry into gold-related violence and should look into the role of politicians connected to the ruling party. In Harare, unknown assailants broke into the house of CCCC Vice President Tendai Biti and attacked the security guard. Pic twitter.com

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