Manicaland has seen a rise in the politicization of public institutions where only people with Zanu PF background have accessed employment and those with a different political ideology victimized. · On 05 July in Chimanimani East, Ward 7 Bumba Village an MDC-T activist was assaulted and his property damaged by fellow party members who included Richard Mazhokota, Chamu Kamupira and others. The perpetrators accused the victim of aligning himself to the Renewal Team. Mashonaland Central Reports from Mashonaland Central indicate serious violations of human rights perpetrated against the ordinary people by Zanu PF leaders and traditional leaders. The operating environment is tense such that victims do not report the cases to the police as they fear further victimisation. People were forced to pay money for Heroes’ day celebrations against their will in Bindura South and Guruve South. · · · · A meeting was held at Bindura showgrounds by Zanu PF big wigs to get rid of people alleged to be “Gamatox” in the party. Among the delegation was political Commissar Saviour Kasukuwere who also pointed a finger at MP Kenneth Musanhi whom he accused of being gamatox for having refused to chant a Zanu PF slogan on 18 July when the officials from the Italian Embassy were distributing food to the old, poor and the sick in Bindura. Musanhi refused to chant the slogan saying the distribution was not a political event. In Bindura South an MDC-T supporter was harassed for not chanting a Zanu PF slogan by a Zanu PF chairperson Abraham Mhembere on 13 July 2015.The village head had called a meeting which turned out to be a Zanu PF meeting at Muonwe village. When the victim did not respond to slogans he was quizzed why he had come. He pointed out that the headman had called the meeting and Mhembere warned him that if he absconds Zanu PF meetings he will be beaten in the next elections. On 1 July Chief Negomo had a misunderstanding with a general manager at Forrester Estate in Mvurwi. The victim refused to allow the chief to use the tractors at the farm. The two argued untilthe general manager told the chief to leave his office. The chief claimed that he had been pushed and hence summoned the victim to his court and fined him 6 goats. Zanu PF politicians in the area among them one identified as Makahiwa of Forrester K farm in ward 7 is alleged to have threatened the victim with eviction if he does not pay the fine. Gift Kazingizi the district chairperson of ward 11 in Guruve South and his vice chairperson Matias Mubaiwa forced villagers to contribute gallons of maize for Heroes’ day celebration on 20 July 2015. Every household was asked to contribute as it was indicated that they received fertilizer from the government. All the people who did not attend the celebrations were summoned to appear before the two officials. People from 24 villages contributed the maize through their village heads. Mashonaland East The political environment was tense in Mashonaland East as elections were held in Mudzi West to replace the late Zanu PF legislator Aquilina Katsande. In Marondera Central primary elections were held for Zanu PF provincial chairperson. The elections were marred by violence. Land disputes between cooperatives of Oswell Gwanzura and legislator Petronella Kagonye ended with the court 7

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