Theft/Looting Discrimination Harassment/Intimidation Disrupted political meeting Property rights Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to personal integrity and human dignity Freedom of Assembly Right to liberty Property rights 2 5 42 2 1 6 64 Harassment/Intimidation Right to personal integrity and human dignity 50 Discrimination Right to food, aid and livelihood 16 Assault Right to personal integrity and human dignity Property rights Freedom of Assembly 5 4 3 78 Unlawful Detention Malicious Damage to property Total Malicious Damage to property Harare Masvingo Disrupted Political meeting Total Harassment/Intimidation Theft/Looting Assault Right to personal integrity and human dignity Property rights Right to personal integrity and human dignity Malicious Damage to property Property rights 24 2 16 2 7 During the month of July, Mashonaland West province recorded a slight decline in the number of politically motivated human rights violations, with only 64 incidences compared with 68 noted in June. . These violations were mainly driven by the prepaparations for the harmonized elections on July 31.  In Norton an MDC-T supporter was manhandled by Zanu PF activists while putting up party posters. Meanwhile in Chinhoyi eight MDC-T activists who were putting party posters along the road to the university were falsely accused of removing Zanu PF posters by a party supporter who reported them to the police .They were detained in police cells for three days until a lawyer from Harare rescued them.  Six MDC-T activists were arrested in Chiedza township, Karoi when former Magunje MP saw them putting up some posters in the area and he pleaded with them to join Zanu PF. They ignored him and he went away and brought police officers who arrested them accusing them of insulting the president. They spent a weekend in custody. This occurred on 5 July 2013. Masvingo recorded a slight increase in cases of politically motivated human rights violations at 78 in July compared to 64 in June. The majority of incidents are harassment and intimidation, forced attendances of political party meetings mostly by Zanu PF, and harassment by traditional leaders of people perceived to be MDC-T as preparations for the July 31 harmonized elections were underway. On the 25th of July there was a Zanu PF rally at Mucheke stadium. Villagers were ferried to the stadium in lorries, buses, kombis and even a train was assigned to ferry people to the rally. Some of the villagers came from as far as Chirumanzu, Mwenezi and Chiredzi. However, after the rally they were left without transportation and food, thus they were forced to sleep in the cold like destitute.  In Masvingo south ward 30 at Mhandu homestead there was a funeral where Zanu PF ward coordinator and youth chairperson for were in attendance. They took the opportunity to lash out at youths who woreMDCT t-shirts and told the villagers that if Zanu PF loses there would be war and that all the youths against the president would be arrested. Villagers were warned not to attend MDC-T rallies or risk being evicted by their headman. Harare recorded a significant increase in number of politically motivated human rights violations with 45 cases noted in July as compared to 10 in June.. This is mainly attributed to the hype of the activities as election campaigns for the July 31 harmonized elections kick started in the month of July. 

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