Mash Central Harassment/intimidation Kidnapping/Abduction Assault Theft/Looting Disrupted political meeting Discrimination Displacement Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Rights to liberty Right to personal integrity and human dignity Property rights Freedom of Assembly Right to food, education Right to Property 27 1 3 1 1 5 1 40 Harassment/intimidation Assault Theft/Looting Discrimination Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity Property rights Right to food, aid and livelihood Property rights Right to liberty Freedom of Assembly 32 8 1 2 2 3 1 49 Right to personal integrity and human dignity 6 Malicious Damage to property Unlawful Detention W e h Mash East Disrupted political meeting Total Assault 6 B/centre at a bottle store when an MDC-T supporter slapped his friend of Zanu PF with an open palm and also hit him with an empty beer bottle. It is alleged that the victim had commented that MDC-T was going to lose the elections this time around. This did not go down well with the perpetrator.  In Mbizo, on 5 July, a woman was denied access to government subsidized food sourced from the Grain Marketing Board (GMB) after she asked was to produce a Zanu PF card to access the food. She produced an expired Zanu PF card and was denied the aid by a Zanu PF supporter who told her to purchase a valid party card so as to get the food. She failed to do so as she claimed she did not have money to buy the card and left empty handed. Mashonaland Central recorded 40 incidences of politically motivated violence down from 61 in June. Though there was a decline in a number of violations, the province was tense as elections drew closer  In most villages across the province forced meetings were the order of the day. In Mazowe Central, at Nzvimbo Growth Point, Zanu PF established a command Base at Nzvimbo Guest House. Another base was established at Holland Farm Mvurwi Mazowe North where it is alleged two individuals were assaulted. Several other forms of violence took place in Mt Darwin East at Chizeza Business Centre.  On 31 July 2013, at Umsengezi farm Mvurwi, three houses belonging to three MDC-T members were set on fire by Zanu PF members. The victimsare senior members within the District structures of the MDC-T. The perpetrators all of Zanu PF are yet to be arrested although the matter was reported to the police. The violations range for the province in the period under review slightly increased to 49 from 41 recorded in June. Election fever and tension marked the atmosphere of the province as political parties were busy conducting rallies drumming up support for July 31.  An MDC-T supporter was resting in his bedroom when his wife informed him that the house was on fire. On seeing the blaze the victim managed to remove his motorbike and some household goods including furniture and a few items. The victim is not sure about who could have torched his house but it is alleged that the headman had threatened to put anybody who is associated to MDC-T activities in harm’s way. In 2008 the headman is alleged to have had burnt gardens belonging to MDC-T members which he has since promised to compensate out of court. The victim reported the case to police but nothing has been done about it as yet.

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