It is worth to note that a number of ZimPF leaders in Redcliff were once staunch Zanu-PF members. Highlights:       On 3 April 2016, in Gokwe Sesame, at Kasuwe Business Centre Ward 12 Nemangwe, George Mashove a Gumiremhete, village head, was accused of being a member of the MDC-T by Takavarasha Nhavara (Zanu-PF) after the headman had cautioned that there was no logic in forcing people to pay the independence contributions when they could not afford to buy their own food. Over the weekend of 3 April 2016, it is alleged that a violent Zanu PF youth group known as ‘Al Shabbab’attacked fellow members of the ruling party who had gone to Harare to participate in an airport welcome for President Robert Mugabe, accusing them of selling out to the province. The alleged attack took place in Kwekwe. The Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Welfare and MP for Shurugwi South, Tapiwa Matangaidze confirmed that 7 people were injured during the attacks. ZPP released a statement on 6 April 2016 condemning the violence. On 6 April 2016, in Gokwe Sesame, villagers were forced to pay US$1-00 per household towards the Independence Day celebrations by Simbarashe Tapera (Gumiremhete Village) a Zanu-PF member. The affected included the elderly 70year-old Jack Nhari and unemployed Sindisiwe Mashuku (not real names) of Nhongo Village ward 12. On 7 April 2016, at Chidora Business Centre in Gokwe Chireya, Timothy Magaisa and Oliver Mangenga (war collaborators) demanded that Zanu-PF structures at cell level be dissolved because it had in its ranks suspected ZimPF members. The actors said that their party structures were infiltrated by ZimPF members and that they needed to weed out the impostors. The allegation has since caused the structures to be dissolved. On 19 April 2016, in Gokwe Gumunyu, Zanu-PF youths led by Elisha Mangiri and Abia Matavire approached their party district chairperson, Joe Madzana, and allegedly demanded a refund of their US$2-00 Independence Day celebrations contributions claiming they did not get value for their hard earned monies. The youths claimed that their seniors had received the money from them but had not availed enough food on the day equivalent to their US$2-00 contributions. In response, the district chairperson threatened to recommend the expulsion of the youths citing lack of discipline. On 24 April 2016, at Rutendo Hall in Redcliff, a ZimPF meeting organized to set up party structures was disrupted by Zanu-PF members led by Munyaradzi Makore, Wellington Zhou and Clemence Sibanda. ZimPF was about to start the meeting when the perpetrators allegedly stormed the gathering demanding that everybody leave with immediate effect. The victims complied for fear of victimization although they had been cleared by the police to have the meeting. Prosper Gavanga provincial youth leader confirmed 22

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