       reported that, even though, few people attended some just paid their money but did not attend the celebrations. On 17 April 2016, MDC-T had a district meeting in Ward 2, Kadoma Central at the district chairperson and councillor for Ward 2 Michael Gove’s house. The other district members were disputing the appointment of Gove as the district chairperson. The dispute resulted in a fist fight with those supporting Eddy Mugarepi aka ‘Mboko’ being beaten up by other district members. The case was not reported to the police and the meeting was abandoned. It is understood the motive was to disturb the meeting to portray a picture that Gove had failed to handle that affairs of the district. On 17 April 2016, at Ameva Farm in Chegutu West, the Zanu-PF committee was forcing people to contribute towards Independence Day celebrations. Those who did not have money to contribute were threatened with eviction. On 17 April 2016, in Chakari people were forced to pay US$5 per person for Independence Day celebrations those who did not have the money were told to contribute a bucket of maize to the constituency. Those who failed to contribute were labelled opposition activists a label that most people would wat to avoid at a time they are relying on food handouts as a result of the El Nino induced drought ravaging the country and most of Southern Africa. On Independence Day people were wearing Zanu-PF party regalia. Celebrations were held at Patchway, Machipisa and Matani Business Centre in wards 1, 2, 4 and 5. The contributions were collected by district officials at branch level. On 18 April 2016, members of ZimPF were moving around in Ward 16 campaigning for their party. Tony Shayanewako of Zanu-PF was seen talking to members of ZimPF by Fanny Makamure who told him that he was not going to benefit from any food distribution in future for his allegiance to ZimPF party. ZimPF’s Gavanga confirmed the incident. In Sanyati constituency on Independence Day a former Zanu-PF councillor, one, Muteshe questioned Peter Nhongo (not real name) why he had attended the Independence Day celebrations at Arda Growth Point and why he ate because they did not understand which party he belonged to. Nhongo was humiliated in front of the rest of the people. On 22 April 2016, Richard Maphosa who was formerly a Zanu-PF supporter now a ZimPF youth chairperson in Kadoma Central was harassed by Zanu-PF youths led by Cain Chitatu for calling people to attend a ZimPF rally in Rimuka Ground Number Three on Saturday 23 April 2016. The posters and fliers he had were burnt and the perpetrators threatened the victim with further harassment. On 26 April 2016, in Ward 2, Chinhoyi at a gathering for women from different churches (Mubatanidzwa) had been organised and it had been announced that ZimPF leader, Mujuru, was going to be the guest speaker. The service was expected to start at 12 noon but the gates at the venue were closed as church elders who organised event were said to have been threatened by the Central Intelligence Office over the planned church service. The state agents are said to have accused the elders of planning a political meeting despite their explanation that it was a church women’s fellowship meeting. The meeting had to be abandoned. Mawarire of ZimPF confirmed the incident. 19

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