Masvingo The province hosted the Zanu PF conference and food aid was used to lure people not to cause alarm during the course of the conference. The right to food and freedom of association were the most infringed rights. At the 16th Zanu PF National People’s Conference President Mugabe spoke strongly against factionalism that is worsened by the ongoing succession wrangle within the party. Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 2 December Right to Shelter Property Rights 6 December Freedom of Assembly 18 December Political Rights Freedom of Association Freedom of Expression 13 families had their homesteads burnt down by messengers of court in village C of Nyangambe under Chief Tshovane in Chiredzi South. The families are said to have each paid a cow to access the land and were later served with eviction notices. They reported to the chief who then assured them that he would protect them and the land would not be taken from them. The assuarances served no purpose. Zanu PF councillor, Munashe Pwanyai, disrupted a Zim PF meeting where the party structures were electing office bearers at ward level. The meeting was held at Gwenyaya village in ward 16 of Chivi Central when Zim PF members were forced to disperse or face unspecified action. Ahead of the conference, Masvingo residents were forced to part with money that was meant for the conference, including those that are not Zanu PF supporters. 19 December At Chivi Growth Point in Chivi Central, *Malvin Choga of MDC-T was reportedly assaulted by Darlington Chingozho of Zanu PF when Choga accused President Mugabe of creating more problems for the country. Chingozho was infuriated by this statement that he assaulted Choga. Matabeleland North The most noted violations involved distribution of food aid. Livelihoods were also grossly affected by cash shortages at banks and other service providers. In Hwange East, World Vision folded its food aid programme and issued maize, three hens, one cock and 10kg maize seed to each of its beneficiaries. 14

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