30 December Labour Rights 31 December Right to Water 31 December Right to Health previously owned by a white man and built houses on unserviced wetlands. The youths took Chifamba to St Mary’s police station where they claimed the woman should be arrested for being in their area. The police advised that Chifamba had not broken any laws and released her without charge. As cash shortages persisted many low level workers had their work days cut by half and this impacted negatively on their earnings. General workers from the Mount Pleasant area said that they their standards of living will change drastically especially with regards to access to health facilities, education and basic commodities. For the entire month of December there was no portable water in ward 26 and 29 of Highfields West. The few available boreholes had contaminated water so residents had to walk long distances to other suburbs in search of water. The residents ran the risk of disease outbreaks while council officials could not be reached over the holiday. In Harare North there was a serious shortage of cash throughout the month and most people were also resisting the use of bond notes. This led to many people failing to access health facilities as they could not pay. Some white employees in the Borrowdale area are said to have paid their workers in Rands, the South African currency. Pensioners had gone for 3 months without money and Harare City Council workers had gone for 6 months. People had a dampened Christmas holiday. Manicaland There was gross violation of the right to food as partisan distribution of food aid continues. Reports to local leaders have been futile as some of them perpetrate the injustice. Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 6 December Political Rights Zanu PF activist, Richard Kuwenga, from ward 8 in Makoni West allegedly forced *Mildred Chikozho and other MDC-T members to buy Zanu PF membership cards for $3 each. Kuwenga told the victims that the Zanu PF membership card will guarantee that they access government assistance. Mashonaland Central Major violations reported contravened people’s freedom of expression, freedom of association, right to food and also bordered around discrimination, harassment and intimidation. 11

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