 Nkayi district council embarked on sewer trench rehabilitation and digging programme where they engaged local people as labour. Councillors provided lists of villagers from all wards. On 28 December 2015, during a meeting at the local hall, Zanu-PF losing parliamentary candidate Stars Mathe, Central Committee member Moses Mkwananzi and another identified as Dube disrupted a meeting and insulted council chairperson Sicelo Mpofu, kraal heads and district administrator (DA) Mandlamakhulu Moyo. They accused the DA of working with and including MDC-T people in the programme and said they cannot be mixed up with the opposition.  Hwange Colliery employees had not been paid up to end of December yet tens of suspected Zanu-PF youths were employed in the same month as colliery police. The workers fear victimization by the youths who are seen as already being used as campaign tools. Matabeleland South Not much political activities took place in the province during December. Only ZanuPF was mostly visible on the ground particularly during food relief distribution programmes. Intra-party tensions were noted in both Zanu-PF and MDC-T. In the former, conflict was increased as party members continued accusing each other of belonging to either expelled former Vice President Mujuru or current Vice President Mnangagwa camps. On the other hand they all expressed loyalty to the First Lady. MDC-T camp was rocked by divisions over the news of impending coalition with People First. Highlights:  On 19 December 2015, in Gwanda North at Demand Village Ward 3 a gardening project called Makolokoto had a fence removed by Zanu-PF official Zebron Nkala. The fence had been donated by well-wishers. Nkala accused the gardening project of being led by an alleged MDC-T official. He then gave the fence to Zamashawe Project chaired by a Zanu-PF member. Midlands Province Intra party violence characterised the politics of the province with each faction using every trick in the book to win political relevance. 20

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