him were still very popular amongst the people and that indeed they were being accused of various things and in some instances discriminated against.  On 5 December 2015, in Chegutu West at the Welfare Centre, a Zanu-PF meeting was called after the primary election by the winning candidate one, Chirikure. At the meeting Zanu-PF youths, Trust Kadzombe and Clever Kunonga allegedly became violent claiming that the voting process had not been done procedurally. The meeting had to be abandoned due to the violence.  In Ward 4 Chegutu East where a by-election is to be held for the late councillor Shepherd Jack an MDC-T supporter was assaulted by his fellow party members.  It is alleged that after the MDC-T had announced it was not going to participate in the by-election one Sarah Mariga of MDC-T decided to contest as an independent. Boas Gweshe also of the MDC-T is purported to have gone to the victim’s house and threatened her with unspecified action if she went on to contest as an independent.  On 14 December 2015, Ward 4 Kadoma Central, Isaac Huni of Zanu-PF had been given a residential stand by his party but the stand was then later allegedly taken back by the ward chairperson George Munetsi on allegations that he was aligned to People First party.  On 18 December 2015, at the inauguration of the substantive Headman Zvakaramba at Matsvitsi Village Ward 3 in Zvimba South, the guest of honour, Chief Zvimba Chikambi was asked to give a vote of thanks. Chief Zvimba began to attack smaller parties like the People First. He said he was aware of its activities in the area and the ruling party was not going to fold its arms and watch.  On 21 December 2015, Memory Mangoti allegedly verbally assaulted Susan Ngorima (not real name). Both women were MDC-T supporters for a long time until Susan decided that she wanted to stand as an independent candidate. Memory was angered by the decision and accused the victim of being a prostitute.  On 22 December 2015, in Ward 29, Mhondoro-Chegutu, Desmond Mbaimbai allegedly insulted a councillor, Prisca Nondo (not real name) that she had grown skinny following the expulsion of former MP Webster Shamu. The victim reported the case to the police resulting in Mbaimbai’s arrest. He was later released after paying a fine. 18

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