documentation for the land they live on were going to be evicted. The evictions started towards the end of August 2016. 26 August Freedom of Association *Beatrice, a former Zanu PF supporter who defected to ZimPF, was allegedly fired from work at the local council and assaulted for associating with ZimPF. She was reportedly fired by Machisi, a Councillor for ward 12 and assaulted by Jacha a Zanu PF youth although it is not clear if the councillor has authority to dismiss council employees. Mashonaland East The month of August had a number of violations that ranged from discrimination, harassment, land invasions, inability to demonstrate and petition and intimidation to attend party meetings. Date HR Violated Provincial highlights 15 August Freedom Association 15 August Right to water Ndakaitei Muodzeri (Zanu PF chairperson) allegedly insulted *Gift Chirimo at a borehole in DRC Kotwa location. Chirimo wanted to fetch water at the borehole but was told by Muodzeri that he had to pay a dollar because the borehole is not for MDC-T supporters. Chirimo did not have money to pay and failed to fetch water. 19 August Right to Food Zanu PF Councillor, Jonathan Mujuru, is reported to have enticed villagers to converge by telling them that there was food distribution. At the meeting he is reported to have announced that all those that had joined opposition political parties were not going to benefit from food distribution in ward 8, Chirimbira village in Murehwa North. 20 August Freedom Association of Ward 5 resettlement area kraalhead, *Steven Karima, was reportedly removed from his position by Chief Svosve. The victim who is an MDC-T activist was replaced by Tendai Machingura of Zanu PF. of In Chikomba East, councillor for ward 26, Roselyn Mudoti, was allegedly assaulted for refusing to give sports kits to community members that support MDC-T. 18

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