In Harare, on 3 July, Zanu PF coerced vendors and informal traders in Mbare to attend a campaign rally that was addressed by Vice President Constantino Chiwenga. Reports indicate that several vendors and small business owners were forced to close their vending stalls to attend the rally which was held at Mbare Stoddart Netball complex. Despite the cold weather, huge numbers turned up for the rally albeit at the expense of small businesses in Mbare. Some vendors in the Mupedzanhamo area were forced to close and threats of violence were directed at them if they failed to attend. confirms that there were also running battles between suspected Zanu PF youths and vendors who defied calls to attend the Chiwenga rally. On 19 July vendors and proprietors at Makomo home industry in Epworth South were allegedly forced to close business to attend a Zanu PF rally addressed by Vice President Kembo Mohadi. It is alleged that Zanu PF youths assigned by Zanu PF aspiring legislator Taedzwa Mutana ordered all businesses to close for people to attend a rally. Most proprietors from ward 2, 3 and 4 were forced to close business and attend the rally. In Epworth North, Zanu PF also convened a rally at Kubatana Primary School. Students and their teachers were reportedly forced to abandon their daily school lessons because of the rally. At the rally, Zanu PF officials took turns to denounce opposition parties before distributing mealie meal and maize seed to people. In Hunyani constituency, Zanu PF activists led by aspiring legislator Mr Machaya and party activist Cde Boroma went door to door forcing people to attend a rally at Glenwood shopping centre. Ruling party members were intimidating people to attend the rally which was attended by Harare South legislator Tongai Mnangagwa. Zanu PF youths clad in party regalia were spotted running in streets holding whips telling people to leave their homes and attend the rally. In Epworth South, a case of intimidation was reported in wards 2, 4 and 5 on 30 July. It is said that Zanu PF youths were running in the streets singing revolutionary songs heading towards Epworth secondary school. A ruling party vehicle was stationed near the school carrying youths and one of them was identified as Thamos Kambuyi of ward 5. An unidentified ruling party woman activist was heard telling youths to close down Makomo home industrial area for all businesspersons to attend a ruling party rally. ZPP is in possession of a short audio of the incident. In Masvingo on 7 July, the police barred Citizens Coalition for Change rallies scheduled for Masvingo province. Chiredzi South, officer commanding police Chief Superintendent R Chihwereva barred two CCC rallies planned for Chikombedzi and Chiredzi Central at Tshovani stadium saying that there were official openings of two clinics (Gwasera Clinic and Rusununguko clinic) by the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution Affairs Masvingo. In Masvingo West, Officer Commanding Police, Chief Superintendent D. Maringire barred the CCC Chivi rally citing a similar excuse that the venue had been booked first by Zanu PF. In two letters, the police said the activities were not in compliance with the Maintenance of Peace and Order Act (MOPA). Page 10

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