in January. Of the harassment and intimidation cases, an evolving trend could be observed where ruling party politicians and supporters, including traditional leaders, were forcing registered voters to surrender their voter registration information to party officials. While the motive is still unclear, the practice had an intimidating effect, especially on opposition or perceived opposition supporters. Discrimination cases on the other hand largely came in the form of the partisan distribution of government aid, in particular agricultural inputs and food aid. Most of the aid was being distributed to ruling party supporters to the exclusion of opposition or perceived opposition members or supporters. Commendably though, cases of outright violence were by comparison significantly lower with only 6 cases recorded. The cases were largely interparty skirmishes between Zanu PF and MDC-T supporters and intraparty squabbling within Zanu PF as part of the continued G40 purge. By location, Manicaland province had the highest number of violations with 62 cases, followed by Mashonaland Central with 60, and Masvingo with 38. In terms of the victims, the majority were of unknown political affiliation, with a very small percentage (3.2% MDC-T and 2.5% Zanu PF) being politically identifiable. Zanu PF was accused as the main perpetrator, accounting for 85.8% of the violations, followed by the Zimbabwe Republic Police at 5.3%, the War Veterans at 0.7%, the MDC-T at 0.2%, and the Zimbabwe National Army at 0.2%. Most of the violations by Zanu PF were at a local level and were spearheaded by local party leaders at district or lower levels. A few times, sitting or aspiring Members of Parliament were also implicated. Chiefs and local headmen on the other hand were heavily implicated in cases of discrimination, harassment and intimidation. Notably, the violations by the state agents (the ZRP and the ZNA) were primarily of a non-political nature. Rather, they were of a civil nature and mainly related to the maintenance of law and order. By gender, there were more male victims (1575) than female victims (1471) and more male perpetrators (465) than female perpetrators (100). 3

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