OCTOBER 2022 4.3 Politicisation of vending spaces ZPP notes with concern the increase in cases of politicisation of vending spaces, particularly Mupedzanhamo Flea Market in Mbare. Mbare, a known industrial hub for informal traders, has since turned into a hotspot of political violence following the politicisation of vending spaces by Zanu PF and CCC youths. ZPP offers the following recommendations so as to reduce the prevalence of violence in the area; 4.3.1 ZPP implores political parties to reign in their supporters to shun acts of violence and respect political rights and human rights to safeguard citizens ahead of the 2023 general elections. 4.3.2 The ZRP should carry out thorough and impartial investigations to ensure that perpetrators are held accountable for crimes committed. 4.3.3 The police should also desist from indiscriminately beating up people during political clashes. Citizens’ personal security and freedom of assembly and association rights should not be violated. The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 7

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