Executive Summary The predominant cases highlighted in our May report evolve around the “One Million Man March” that was organised in Harare on the 25th of May 2016 by the youth wing of the ruling Zanu PF party. Reports from Umzingwane across to Zvimba will prove that the mobilization of marchers across the country was fraught with intimidation, threats and harassment. In most cases villagers were threatened that their participation in the march will determine if they access humanitarian aid programmes. Reports received also indicated that some youths mostly in Harare took advantage of the mobilization process to demand and extort money from vendors and ordinary citizens. On the day of the march some vendors mainly from Chitungwiza and Harare were forced to close their businesses and participate in the march. The use of land as a tool of political patronage is increasingly becoming common in urban areas. Reports received from Bulawayo and Harare indicate that Zanu PF is allocating and promising land to its supporters and this can be construed as a way of rewarding its supporters and as an incentive for them to keep working for the party. The May report highlights a growing and disturbing trend of discrimination in the distribution of food aid based on political affiliation. Food aid is increasingly being used by Zanu PF leaders and activists to repress political opponents and reward supporters. Those discriminated against include Movement for Democratic Change supporters as well as supporters or suspected supporters of Zimbabwe People First (ZimPF). Reports received from Masvingo and Manicaland provinces indicate the involvement of the military in food aid distribution. For instance, on 14 May in Maguta village ward 12 Chipinge East, two army trucks, brought food aid to the village and the distribution of food was led by military personnel. A similar case was reported in Bikita East on 25 May in Pfumbidzai and Muvavarirwa villages ward 17 when five army lorries were seen carrying and offloading bags of maize destined for the ward. Political intolerance continues to manifest itself across the country. In May three politically related arson cases were reported in Midlands, Masvingo and Manicaland provinces. To demonstrate the pervasive nature of the violence, the victims in the reported cases belong to Zanu PF, MDC-T and ZimPF. The victims had their houses razed to the ground. ### 6

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