Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to liberty and security of person Right to food, aid and livelihood 30 6 2 38 Harassment/intimidation Discrimination Theft/looting Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, education Property rights 28 17 3 48 Midlands Harassment/intimidation Assault Discrimination Total harsh words and in the end the victim was assaulted sustaining serious facial injuries. The incident took place at Chikanga Township in Dangamvura/Chikanga constituency. The effects of intra-party fights within Zanu PF are still simmering especially at grassroots level. There is a general atmosphere of animosity which is evidenced by the harassment and discrimination of party members perceived to belong to the Mujuru faction. The major perpetrators are perceived pro-Mnangagwa supporters.  5 December 2014-In a case of intra-party fighting emerging from factionalism, Daniel Chiwara of the Mnangagwa faction harassed another Zanu PF member perceived to belong to the Mujuru faction in Shingaai village, Gokwe North. It alleged that the victim was at his homestead building a toilet when Chiwara charged, accusing him of supporting a person who wanted to kill the President. The victim felt humiliated and left the building site and sought cover inside his house.  9 December 2014- In another case of intra-party fighting within Zanu PF Junior Chiremba of Gokwe Chireya, in ward 9 harassed another Zanu PF member, accusing the victim of being on the wrong side of the Zanu PF intra-party politics. However it emerged that the accusation leveled against the victim was because the she had won a bid to be elevated to a provincial level position in the party structures. The ploy to label her traitor was a strategy to decampaign her in the race for a higher political position.  16 December 2014 - Sarudzai Phiri of Zanu PF denied an MDC T activist access to a market stall for vending purposes in Zvishavane Ngezi. The perpetrator accused the victim of being a sell-out because she is affiliated to MDC-T party. Mash Central Mashonaland Central province was hard-hit by the Zanu PF intra-party conflicts as there was a lot ‘witch hunting’ within the party to identify the former VP Mujuru allies and flush them out. The former Vice President was accused of being a traitor, inept and corrupt and was at the helm of fanning factionalism within the party. One would have expected the Mashonaland Central province to rally behind former VP Joice Mujuru as she is from the province but that seems not to be the case.  5 December 2014- Farai Muchirahondo a Zanu PF supporter and lsaiah Kazaza an army major led a group of war veterans and collaborators to Samaphiri farm in ward 27 in Muzarabani South constituency waving placards denouncing the incumbent MP Christopher Chitindi, Edward Paradza and Tafirenyika Magore for being affiliated to former VP Joice Mujuru. The group sang revolutionary songs against Chitindi ordering him and his family off the farm and indicated that the 8

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