workers and poor service delivery. The riot police disrupted the demonstration. 15 December 2014 - A former MDC-T councilor Didymus Bande of Ward 4 in Epworth led a group of party supporters to invade land at the grave site. The Land Board staff tried to stop the invasion but failed as the group chased them away. The MDC-T group claimed that Zanu PF supporters had grabbed stands at the industrial sites and they were not stopped, therefore they deserved a similar response from the authorities. Most violations recorded in the province for the month of December 2014 were intraparty related to conflicts within Zanu PF as the party made final preparations ahead of its congress and Unity Day celebrations. A lot of hate language and incidents of discrimination were noted as the camp aligned to Minister Obert Mpofu clashed with the one aligned to Professor Jonathan Moyo, Minister Sithembiso Nyoni and Speaker of Parliament Jacob Mudenda. Near violent clashes occurred in Lupane and the police had to quell the tensions. The Mpofu’s group tried in vain to have Minister Nyoni and Advocate Mudenda fired from Central Committee positions.  4 December 2014- At Lupane Business Centre the Police and CIO were reported to have disrupted a civic society meeting organised by the Bulawayo Agenda and Rural Communities Empowerment Trust (RUCET) which was meant for community leadership and stakeholders. The organiser was harassed and threatened with arrest despite his explanation that he had been cleared by the police.  21 December 2014- In Bubi the local chairperson of Zanu PF Andrew Mpofu was given a consignment of fertiliser to distribute to party members in village 17, ward 5 at Ntobi. He then selected those perceived to be loyal party members whom were supportive of the First lady, Grace Mugabe. A number of people were accused of belonging to the Mujuru camp and were denied access to fertilizers.  21 December 2014- Patrick Mathe of Bambanani village, in ward 4 at Sikhali Line insulted and threatened to beat up an MDC-T supporter of Siphongweni Line in the same village who was wearing an MDC T t-shirt. The perpetrator declared that MDC-T people were not allowed in the area as it was considered a Zanu PF territory. The victim was only saved from a beating by the intervention of a neighbourhood watch member.  Assault Harassment/Intimidation Right to liberty and security of person Right to personal integrity and human dignity 2 1 3 Right to personal integrity and human dignity Property rights Right to food, aid and livelihood 1 1 1 Mat South Mat North Total Harassment/Intimidation Theft/looting Discrimination The infighting within Zanu PF that resulted in the disbandment of the provincial executive led by Minister Andrew Langa had negative effects in the province. The political environment was quite tense and there were reports of harassment, 12

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