FOOD AND OTHER FORMS OF AID VIOLATIONS In the month of April there have been few incidents of food violations. This could be attributed to the fact that most communities are busy harvesting crops and the need for food distribution is also relatively low. There was no distribution of food grains and agriculture inputs in Mashonaland East as people in the province have started harvesting their crops. However reports in the Maramba Pfungwe, Mutoko and Mudzi indicate that crops did not do well due to erratic rains and a serious food shortage is looming. In Bulawayo province there is no government sponsored food aid programme. However residents of Methodist Village were lucky after Female Students Trust donated food when they had finished holding a public meeting to create awareness on the provisions of the new constitution. Copies of the new constitution were also distributed to other villagers who did not attend the gathering. Furthermore in Makokoba Constituency, District Social Services has been seen donating and distributing fifty dollars to each senior citizen of the suburb without demanding party membership cards. In Masvingo some districts are now better off after the seasonal rains produced good harvests of the staple food, maize. However districts like Chivi, Mwenezi and Chiredzi still need food aid due to poor soils, lack of agricultural inputs and floods. The over three thousand families at Chingwizi resettlement need continuous food relief and sanitation facilities to enhance healthy lives. Politicians are believed to be trivialising their plight by playing politics and addressing rallies when people are suffering. At Tsholotsho Centre, Tsholotsho South constituency in Matabeleland North, it is reported that some donations which were meant for flood victims were diverted to John Landa High School. It is not clear who was responsible for the diversion. There are also reports that there are some donations from MDC-T members in South Africa which were impounded at the Beitbridge Boarder post. ZPP is still trying to verify the facts. Fig. 1: Human Rights Violation Levels Oct 2013 - April 2014 400 313 317 286 213 209 224 181 200 0 3

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