10 | MONTHLY MONITORING REPORT APRIL 2024 Bulawayo Matabeleland North On 27 April at ZITF grounds, it was reported that ZANU PF activist identified as Robin Mhlophe manhandled Dumisani Dube when he highlighted that Mnangagwa has failed the nation in addressing the economic situation. It is said that Mhlophe initially slapped Dube for such utterances and later manhandled him with the aim to get him arrested. Dube was later released after several Mhlophe' friends pleaded to have Dube released. On 21 April, in Ward 1 in the Central Business Unit, it was reported that Bulawayo Municipal Police (BMP) manhandled Malfort Moyo as they were confiscating property of some vendors who are said to be operating illegally. The BMP manhandled the trio, confiscated the property, and later arrested them. While it is true that some vendors are operating illegally, there is no point in manhandling them. On 1 April at ward 5 of Tsholotsho North, a ZANU PF activist and war veteran Clement Mkandla threatened to dissolve the School Development Committee of Gwaai Primary School on the basis that it is flooded with members of the Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC). Mkandla also threatened to organise a militia to beat up Cabangani Ncube who was elected as the Chairperson of the school. Politicisation of school positions has been on the increase in the area. There are heightened tensions in the ward and constituency as the ruling party lost the constituency to the Citizen Coalition for Change. On 20 April at ward 5 of Tsholotsho North at Tshino village, it was noted that a ZANU PF activist identified as Martin Moyo told villagers that those that observed 2023 elections for CCC party have been removed from the list of those receiving aid. Midlands Mashonaland West On 6 April, ZANU PF activists threatened to beat up opposition members and villagers who failed to contribute to the independence celebrations in Gokwe Chireya. Lucas Muchenje of the ruling party told villagers that food aid was only meant for ruling party members, and those without a political party needed to join the party to be given food. A pro-Chamisa activist was assaulted in Chiwundura ward 6, by ZANU PF members led by Leonard Chiriga. The victim was accused of discouraging people from attending Independence Day celebrations. The victim was slapped on the face and instructed to join the ruling party. Another pro-Chamisa supporter, escaped an attack from ZANU PF supporters in Gweru, Senga, for expressing his views regarding the economic situation. In Chegutu West, a notorious gang of ZANU PF youths, known for terrorising opposition members during elections, barricaded the roads, asking transport operators to pay subscriptions or use alternative routes. There have been incidents of discrimination during a community distribution of food aid in areas such as Hurungwe West, Zvimba South and Kadoma Central. CCC activists constituted the majority of citizens denied food aid. In Zvimba North legislator Marian Chombo advised headmen in ward 13 to collect USD $1.00 from villagers per household, claiming that the monies would cater for transport costs for villagers expecting to receive food assistance (Maize).

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