Summary of Food Violations by Province Several households in Zvimba ward 9 were denied food aid under the food for work programme for vulnerable groups. The social welfare team helped in distribution of the maize in the presence of councillor John Chinake of ward 9 and chairperson Hazvinei Makota. Villagers gathered as early as 8am however distributions commenced around 5pm. There was chaos during the distribution as beneficiaries were told to top up money for transport while other beneficiaries did not appear on the master register. About one thousand bags of maize were delivered and each beneficiary was entitled to receive two bags and transport costs were pegged at $1.25 per bag. A few bags were distributed then Chinake and Makota kept some bags for themselves at Kawondera Primary School overnight. The rest of the bags were distributed on the morning of 30 May. Zanu PF Chairperson for Chegutu West, Fanuel Makamure, threatened people during a food for work gathering at Waze Primary School in ward 16. On 11 May Makamure threatened to burn homes of all opposition supporters and to set an example with Ndingadawo Matobolo’s home. Makamure told opposition supporters not to entertain Matobolo who is an MDC-T member campaigning to be Member of Parliament of the area in the 2018 elections. *Leopold Nerwande was denied food aid during food distribution at Dombwe farmer’s hall in ward 17 by Katyamaenza who is responsible for food distribution in Chegutu. On 14 May Nerwande, who is 68 years old was denied food aid meant for elderly community members. Nerwande was told that he has not reached the age that makes him qualify for the aid. However, other younger community members received bags of maize. There are allegations that Katyamaenza resells leftover food aid. 15

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