THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT ZPP is introducing a monthly Accountability Tracker as part of the Monthly Monitoring Report. The Accountability tracker will analyse and assess government’s commitment towards dealing with COVID-19 and its effects. This is because COVID-19 has gone beyond being just a health issue as it has affected the socio-economic and political situation in the country and beyond. 12 3 2 38 4 CASES IN CASES IN AUG SEPT CASES IN OCT 5 CASES IN NOV PFUMVUDZA & OTHER AID For the third month in a row, since government began the distribution of inputs under the agricultural scheme, Pfumvudza, ZPP has recorded cases of discrimination of those perceived to be supporters of opposition political parties. In August, ZPP recorded 12 cases of aid discrimination, but the number shot to 32 in September, 38 in October and peaked 45 this November. In all these cases reported, ZPP has all the necessary information, including the victims, perpetrators and the exact locations of the violations. According to government, 1.6 million households are set to benefit from the scheme. However, from the way the distribution of inputs has been implemented, as observed by ZPP through its countrywide monitoring mechanism, Masvingo, Mashonaland West and Mashonaland Central have recorded the highest forms of partisan distribution of the inputs, with ruling party officials, and elected and traditional local leaders influencing the process; making it partisan. Upon its inception, Lands, Agriculture, Water and Rural Resettlement permanent secretary, Dr John Basera said Pfumvudza was one of the concepts under the Agriculture Recovery Plan, which was being spearheaded by Government to reverse the current trends in food production. It is therefore of great concern that a government programme, which is supposed to benefit everyone, is being politicized in a manner that will leave some families vulnerable. 13

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