reports of all the MDC-T activities in the area. disappearance if he did not comply. He was threatened with  On 3 January 2016, at a funeral of an MDC-T member in Marondera West, Ward 14 MDC-T supporters wearing their party regalia and chanting slogans got into an altercation with a relative who was wearing Zanu-PF regalia. The two sides exchanged harsh words until the intervention of some elders who calmed the situation.  On 6 January 2016, a businesswoman at Kotwa Business Centre was approached by Gilbert Makazvo and John Karima who allegedly requested for US$25 for the 21st February Movement celebrations. When the businesswoman said she did not have the money, Makazvo allegedly accused her of supporting the MDC-T.  On 11 January 2016, state agents allegedly came to Hwedza Inn in Ward 15 asking where the People First meeting was being held. The state agents are said to have been informed that People First was going to hold a meeting at the Inn on the day. They reportedly took the booking register at the Inn but failed to get information they wanted. They waited at the Inn until 10pm. It is reported that people are now living in fear.  On 13 January 2016, about 20-30 people believed to be soldiers in civilian clothing reportedly moved in to stay at Hwedza Growth Point, Ward 15 with their household property. It is feared that the soldiers are on assignment to find people linked to People First. They have since started looking for accommodation in the community.  On 16 January Simon Sandati (not real name) of the MDC-T was served with an eviction order after his niece, Sharon Sireti of Zanu-PF, allegedly sold his house in Marondera Central on allegations that he was an MDC-T supporter.  On the night of 20 January 2016, it is alleged that Martin Zunza (not real name), a former MDC-T member in Mukarakate Village, Ward 8 in Murehwa South, who defected to the Renewal Democrats of Zimbabwe (RDZ), had his house set on fire. RDZ leader, Elton Mangoma, confirmed the incident to ZPP.  On 20 January 2016, some war veterans in Magauze Village, Ward 8 in Mudzi West were allegedly forcing people to buy Zanu-PF membership cards at US$3 each. At the same meeting people were also threatened with unspecified action if they talked to one, George Katsande, a former Zanu-PF provincial commissar who was ousted from the party on allegations of being aligned to People First. People were told that if they talked to him they will be labelled ‘gamatox’.  The Zanu-PF leadership in Ward 30, Murehwa Centre allegedly issued an instruction that all village heads and secretaries were going to be given forms that were going to be used to form cells in the area. Those who refused to be in cells 17

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