process of conducting the election. The case was reported to the police but no arrests were made. Manicaland Manicaland has been battling to remove the last remnants of the ‘gamatox’ mainly in the administrative structures of government and quasi government departments. (‘Gamatox’ refers to Zanu-PF members aligned to former Vice President, Joice Mujuru, who was ousted from party for allegedly plotting against President Robert Mugabe.) Manicaland Provincial Affairs Minister, Mandi Chimene and Local Government Minister, Saviour Kasukuwere, are allegedly conducting ‘cleansing ceremonies’ in the city of Mutare all in an effort to get rid of ‘gamatox’ remnants and replace them with Kasukuwere loyalists who are better placed to push the G40 agenda. On the other hand, People First seem to be gaining ground in the province with known Zanu-PF and MDC-T members jumping ship and jostling for a place in the new party. The state through the village heads seem determined to curtail freedom of assembly and expression of opposition party members as the clock ticks towards the 2018 general elections. Highlights:  On 23 January 2016, at Kambarami Village in Mutare North Ward 5, MDC-T members wore their party regalia at a funeral of their party member Simon Tirarami. The village head, Innocent Kambarami was allegedly infuriated on seeing the regalia and reportedly dragged the victims – John Mukwandi, Simon Zvedi and Norest Mupfumbi (not their real names) to the headman’s court over the matter. The same happened on 9 January 2016 at Maoko Village Ward 11 Mutare North when an army officer allegedly threatened Tapiwa Zondo (not real name) of MDC-T and others at a funeral of their colleague putting on party regalia. The officer allegedly threatened Zondo with physical harm for allowing his party members to behave as they did.  On 20 January 2016, more than 100 protesters led by Esau Mupfumi, Zanu-PF MP Chikanga, demonstrated against city Management and the Town Clerk Obert Muzawazi at Civic Centre Mutare. They accused them of being corrupt. However they did not substantiate the claims. It is believed the victims are suspected ‘gamatox’ and their bashing is as a result of factional politics. The Town Clerk has since resigned from the job. When ZPP spoke to Mupfumi to confirm the demonstrations and whether or not he provided buses for them, he was reluctant to commit himself one way or the other, saying only that, “I don’t know,” before blasting the ZPP for working for “whites”. Efforts to reach Muzavazi and other city managers were not fruitful by the time of going to print. 14

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