3 Million Voices #RRRV2023 Harare Metro Most of the human rights violations in April happened in Harare and ZPP recorded 63. The persecution and prosecution of political and civil society activists continued in the month of April and these include the conviction of MDC Alliance Youth Assembly member Makomborero Haruzvishe on allegations of inciting public violence. Those who had come to attend the sentencing were harassed by the police guarding the Harare Magistrates’ Court. The MDC Alliance spokesperson Advocate Fadzayi Mahere was barred by the police from speaking to the press at the court, soon after Haruzivishe’s sentencing although she is a practicing lawyer. At the same event, MDC Alliance Women Assembly member, Vongai Tome accused a police officer of indecently assaulting her, but instead, it was Tome, the complainant, and her colleague, who got arrested. Freelance Journalist Takawira Sam also left the scene with a bleeding finger after he was assaulted by the police. On 4 April, MDC Alliance Harare West Constituency Coordination Committee (CCC) was disrupted by the police and Denford Ngadziore (recalled MDC Alliance Harare Ward 16 councillor) was arrested by the police. On 12 April police ordered mourners at a funeral service of the late Apostolic Faith Mission in Zimbabwe Pastor Tabeth Chiweshe to disperse because the MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa was due to attend the service. On 24 April an MDC Alliance Harare Province Epworth meeting was prematurely disrupted by police while people who came in solidarity with MDC Alliance Deputy National Chairperson Job Sikahla were randomly beaten at the Harare Magistrate courts by the police. MDC Alliance youth assembly members Joanna Mamombe and Cecilia Chimbiri are yet to get bail and the persecution of Mamombe continued, with her being forcibly removed from a private hospital where she was receiving medical attention and taken back to Chikurubi prison. Manicaland In the month of April, the situation was tense in Chimanimani East and an incident that happened there on 27 April give a glimpse of what 2023 is likely to be. Some Zanu PF DCC members from Chimanimani East and all government Department Heads from Chimanimani Administrative District went for an ideological course at Herbert Chitepo School of Ideology in Vumba. The ideological school is a ruling party creation, where people go for reorientation into the Zanu PF ideology. The situation created heightened fear among other government employees who feel that this reorientation will result in their department heads acting, or forcing all subordinates to act in a partisan manner. In Mutasa district, the political atmosphere is heating up and in once incident, which took place on 5 April 2021 at Zambe Primary School, the Zanu PF ward 14 chairperson for Nyariya village in Mutasa Central, Never Mukumba, summoned people for a meeting to organize Zanu PF cell structures for the elections. He then secretly manipulated the process and wrote Rose Mutambanuki’s name of Kagweda village Ward 14 Mutasa Central to be Zanu PF political commissar without her knowledge. It is said that the victim felt violated since she was not consulted to take the position. The initiative reportedly left other people who were aspiring to take up the positions concerned as it was clear that the ruling Zanu PF would force anyone to take up a position even if it violated their freedom of assembly and association as well as their political rights. Matabeleland North There are significant indicators to show that Zanu PF has since levelled up for the 2023 campaign. In one incident in Tsholotsho South, citizens were told by Zanu PF activists only identified as Fani Moyo and Lameck Tshuma told people that in order for them to benefit from food aid, they had to be part of the Zanu PF cell groups in the area. As in other provinces, food and other aid have remained tools of political manipulation for poor villagers. Zanu PF launched the Hebert Chitepo School of ideology in Hwange at a three-day training workshop held in Matabeleland North at Edmund Davis Hall. Participants were trained in national ideology, party affairs, government economic policies, social policies and governance issues, defense and security policies, international relations, media and communication studies and current affairs. Part of the training highlighted the need for the new Zanu PF DDC leaders from Matabeleland North to use the imparted skills by any means necessary to draw the targeted five million voters. The training also exposed the hand of the military in the political affairs of the country. 18

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