3 Million Voices #RRRV2023 Mashonaland West Twenty-one incidents of human rights violations were recorded in Mashonaland West province. There was significant intimidation, harassment and food and other discrimination and the violation of the right to personal security. Traditional leaders in rural communities and Zanu PF activists were the main perpetrators of these human rights violations. For example, traditional leaders in Hurungwe reportedly denied MDC Alliance activists access to government food aid. As has always been the case, food aid has been used as a political tool by the ruling party, which uses its influence in government to manipulate the Department of Social Welfare’s food aid distribution criteria. In Zvimba South at Kutama Day Care Centre Ward 6, Zanu PF is reportedly on a massive grassroots restructuring exercise, and its officials Augustine Maburo and Edson Bure, are allegedly forcing villagers to form cell groups at schools and in the villages. Bulawayo Metro The province recorded six cases of human rights violations. Inter-party conflict between the main opposition, the MDC Alliance and its off-shoot, the MDC-T has continued following the further recall of some MPs aligned to the MDC Alliance early this month. While the recall has been overturned by the High Court, the divisions at the political grassroots level have continued. The infights and the recalls have stalled community development as constituencies are now operating without leaders and more importantly, this has also affected policy directions in Parliament. Mashonaland Central There were 30 incidents of human rights violations in this province. Politically motivated intimidation, harassment and discrimination topped the list of violations. In two of the cases, suspected state security agents were allegedly involved in the attempted abduction of MDC Alliance activist James Nyama in Muzarabani North at Willis farm ward 21. The incident happened on 1 April, at around 6pm when Nyama was on his way home. Four men in an unregistered Range Rover vehicle approached him and offered him a lift home, an offer which he refused. The four men, who were armed with AK47 rifles then tried to forcibly drag him into the vehicle. Nyama screamed and this attracted nearby villagers and farmers who came to his rescue as the assailants drove off. Following the incident Nyama has been receiving anonymous phone calls asking him why he is campaigning for Nelson Chamisa. The victim is being intimidated and is reportedly leaving in fear. Matebeleland South Zanu PF began the exercise of revisiting most of their cell groups targeting all beneficiaries of command livestock. In Gwanda North of Mtshabezi, villagers were told that they should kick start the campaigns and prepare for the by- elections to be announced soon. This was revealed by Zanu PF activist, Jeffrey Moyo. He reportedly said that during the by elections, membership shall be drawn from household lists and the lists supplied by traditional leaders so that they monitor who has failed to vote for Zanu PF. In other campaign trails, ZAPU is preparing for its congress in August and tempers are already high. One recorded incident during the meeting in Kezi, Mzingaye Khumalo threatened to beat up five ZAPU members during a meeting of identifying who had opposed the rise of aspiring presidential candidate Sibangilizwe Nkomo one of the surviving sons of Joshua Nkomo. 17

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