DECEMBER, 2023 Right to administrative justice, and Equality and Non- Discrimination ZPP recorded 16 cases of violations of the right to equality and non- discrimination and 8 cases where the breached. right administrative Traditional leaders justice have was been perpetrating violations abusing their power and authority to treat citizens unlawfully and unfairly. On 11 December in Gokwe South, Chief Njelele reportedly gave an order to his headmen that they should not accept any member of the CCC in any development committees. It is said that Chief Njelele said that CCC members are ‘sellouts’ who just oppose for the sake of opposing and hence they should not be included in any committee be it at ward, school, or clinic. This foul language further exposes citizens deemed “unpatriotic” to certain groups to violence and abuse by political actors. On 17 December in Gokwe, Chief Chireya reportedly ordered village heads to punish members of the Citizen Coalition for Change in the area. Chief Chireya claimed that CCC members are retrogressive and as such needed to be punished by being deprived of food aid. This also violates citizens’ right to be treated equally and not to be discriminated against despite their political affiliations as enshrined in the constitution (Section 56). 10 11 11

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