MAY FROM THE COMMUNITIES ZPP continues to document the experiences of communities during these uniquely unpredictable times of COVID-19. Here is some of the feedback the organisation has received directly from the communities during the month. “Government should send Medical Practitioners to borders to Test COVID19 on both immigrants & emigrants and those with COVID19 should be denied entry and government should not continue extending the Lockdown further because in Zimbabwe we're living on hand to mouth”. Anon “Inini hangu ndavakuto feeler kutidai Mwari vachingonditora zvavo panguvaino, asi mwanawangu wandinaye ndiye anondirwadza ane 10 years, ndrikurwarane kudakwekushaya chekudya nekuti dzimwe. Nguva ndirikutotora mushongan disinakudya, Ndadzidzakuti ndivimbe naMwari nguvadzose”. Anon. TRANSLATION: I feel like God should just take me, but I fear for my 10-year-old child…I am not well because of hunger and sometimes I take medication without eating anything. I have learnt to rely on God all the time. “Mina into engiyi bona yikuthisisebenzeke kuhle idorobholakoByo liclean and kuyahambeka bt kusasele emalokitshini amamarket lawa akhona yiwoazasibizela Corona ngobaaso bantu abatholaka lalapho lemabhasinil emalayinin iezimpuphu”. Anon TRANSLATION: In my view, Bulawayo city is clean and residents move about easily. However, in townships, market places, buses and mealie meal queues, there is danger of contraction of COVID-19 due to the high volumes of people “Mina ngumamae KezieSt Joseph Mina impiloisinzima Kimi bengiziwodela impahlae Botswanakathesi ngijombile ngendaba ye lokocdawn kunzima ukuphilakathesi”. Anon TRANSLATION: I am a woman based in St Joseph’s Kezi; currently my life is hard as I cannot travel to Botswana to get clothes for resale due to the lockdown. “Dai government tikatsvaga nzvimbo yekutestira munhu wese sezviya vanhu vachivhota ,vongobvumira vanhu 20 -20 vachimaintainer social -distance kuitira kuti vaclear vane chirwere cheCorona. Ndinonzi Mai Tinotenda Ngonzwe ndirima Rusape”. : TRANSLATION: I think government should establish a place for testing people just like they do when people are voting. They will only allow 20 people each and enforce social distancing and this will help end COVID1-19. From Mai Tatenda Ngonzwe in Rusape. VOICES FROM CHIREDZI: Villagers say they have only seen food aid distribution on TV and they wonder when it will get to them. They are hungry, and are not able to work. They mention a rise in child marriages and refer to a case where a family wants to rescue their girl child from a marriage but cannot travel due to lock down restrictions REPORT HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS TO +263 77 488 3406 +263 77 488 3417

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