Provincial Outlook 22 Harare The province recorded violations associated with socio-economic rights and civil political rights. The activities of Zanu PF-affiliated land barons in Harare left some residents in Budiriro 4 homeless. On 17 August, a joint operation of municipal and anti-riot police officers demolished houses registered under Madzibaba Enock Housing Cooperative. About 20 to 30 households in Budiriro 4 were displaced. Intolerance appeared to have reached alarming levels in relation to political parties ahead of the 2023 general election. In Epworth, Citizen Coalition for Change supporters were targeted by Zanu PF activists which pointed to the shrinking of democratic space for opposition political parties ahead of the 2023 general elections. About 14 unidentified Zanu PF youths besieged a victim’s house in Epworth accusing the family of supporting the CCC. Although the family disputed the allegations, they were assaulted by the youths. The victim sustained serious internal injuries following the attack. Water challenges persisted in Harare violating citizens’ rights to a clean, safe environment. The Harare City Council shut down Morton Jeffrey Water Processing plant resulting in water problems city-wide. In Glenview North, Chitungwiza, Mufakose and Kuwadzana suburbs residents spent weeks without water which triggered violence at water points. In a statement, Harare Mayor Jacob Mafume said the water shutdown was due to a shortage of chemicals from the country’s sole supplier of municipal water chemicals, Zimbabwe Phosphates Industries. Right to Personal Security On 14 August at Pentagon in Epworth ward 2, a CCC activist was brutally assaulted by a group of Zanu PF youths led by a person only identified as Edmore. The perpetrators used an iron bar to attack Machokoto whom they accused of wearing opposition CCC party regalia. ZPP interviewed the victim who lamented that he was attacked on his way to attend a CCC ward meeting. The victim sustained a broken leg and failed to make a police report for fear of reprisals. He stated, “Tinotya ku repota nekuti tinosungwa" meaning we fear to report because we get arrested. The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report

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