17 In Mudzi a Zanu PF Councilor, Jesinau Liver, threatened a pregnant woman married to a CCC member to burn all the regalia in her home or face unspecified action. In Murehwa, during a village meeting, a Zanu PF Branch Chairperson issued death threats to a CCC member. In ward 15 at Lupane centre it was noted that members of the Central Intelligence Organization (CIO) were recording individuals who are part of the CCC party. Individuals were called to the police station for questioning as they are gathering information about the campaign programmes of the CCC. During the protests convened by some Bulawayo residents and business community over parking fees, it was reported that Sam Dlamini insulted David Moyo who was one of the demonstrators for wearing Zanu PF regalia. Dlamini made remarks to the effect that all the problems affecting Bulawayo and the country are attributed to Zanu PF. On 16 August, it was reported that Qhubani Mlotshwa of an unknown political affiliation was going around telling people not to vote Zanu PF or CCC as they are Shona led parties. It is said that Mlotshwa made remarks to the effect that a lot of migrants from South Africa were coming back to vote and hence they are prepared to fight anyone who votes otherwise. In Bulilima West Constituency in ward 16 a group of Zanu PF activists led by Richman Moyo moved around forcing citizens to join their party. It is alleged that the door-to-door campaign was targeting known CCC members as they would visit each homestead using their cell group list. Verified facts suggest that Moyo remarked that all those that fail to join Zanu PF will be dealt with in the fullness of time. On 21 August at Chezia high school in Gokwe Sasame, it was reported that Zanu PF’s top officials led by Zanu PF vice president and second secretary Kembo Mohadi were encouraging traditional leaders to harass and intimidate those who support the opposition CCC. In Gokwe Kana, ward 1 on 24 August, in the Tafara district branch area, it was reported that Christopher Matambo was continuously threatening opposition supporters, saying that Zanu PF was going to abduct them one way or the other to prevent any electoral defeat. In Bikita South, ward 1, at Gawa clinic, it was reported that only a few people were able to seek treatment due to the clinic’s pharmacy being empty. People were being referred to Mashoko mission hospital. The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report

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