Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 NOVEMBER 2022 Mashonaland West Political spaces continued to shrink as opposition party supporters, particularly the CCC, became victims of political persecutions. On 4 November at Magunje Business Centre in Hurungwe Central, Wonder Matashu, a CCC member, escaped death when he used his hand to dodge a machete. This was after he confronted a Zanu PF Councilor, Chris Mudengezerwa, for removing his name from a Pfumvudza inputs distribution beneficiary list. The councillor took a machete from his car to hurt Matashu who then blocked the Machete with his hands resulting in him sustaining injuries on his hands and forehead. Pfumvudza inputs distribution processes became a political tool to discriminate against suspected CCC members. Government funded inputs meant to assist vulnerable communities were reportedly distributed in a partisan manner. One individual was arrested for confronting a Zanu PF member who had taken his relative’s input allocation. Matabeleland North In ward 2 a Zanu PF activist, Teresa Nyathi, instructed citizens who had registered to vote to also register under Zanu PF cell groups. Nyathi also went on to say that those who failed to register under the local cell group risked being removed from the food beneficiary list. She stated that on election day citizens should vote and report back to the Zanu PF agent of who they had voted for so as to be given food hampers. Similarly, the new Binga District Development Coordinator (DCC) Land Siansolo Kabome urged traditional leaders to ensure that opposition members did not carry out their campaigns in Binga. He stated that any traditional leader who was found working with the opposition would risk being removed from the system and payroll. He told them to campaign for Zanu PF and ensure that citizens vote in numbers. In ward 9, Nkayi North Mfulongatshi Mpofu was unlawfully arrested and detained by the police after complaining about unfair employment in the Nkayi District health and education sectors during a community meeting. He was on accusations of insulting the President and later released after spending a night on unclear charges. The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 21

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