Political bias and exploitation of victims in Food aid Image source: NewsDay Emerging trends from the distribution of food aid across the country have displayed worrying trends on consistent political discrimination and maladministration of government sponsored aid. These include the distribution of rotten maize and wheat, leaders and community members falsifying information about the number of family members in beneficiaries’ households, and unjustly using people’s names but the beneficiaries not getting the food aid. In September only, ZPP recorded 9 incidents of partisan distribution of food aid affecting 85 victims. Some of the trends uncovered are that due to the immense shortage of food aid, victims are further falling prey to other powerful community members who then demand that the received rations be shared with other beneficiaries even if they were not on the list further reducing the amount of food beneficiaries are supposed to get. In one of the 19 villages in Ward 8 in Vungu district, only 14 families have been benefiting from government sponsored food aid in a village of about 65 families. The narration from some of the victims indicate that when a decision to increase the number of beneficiary households was made, instead of adding from the rest of families in the village, additional beneficiaries from the ruling party were added from other villages because the rest of the families were deemed unfit due to their political affiliations. One of the victims narrated: “Hatitombopiwe nekuti vanenge vachiti endai munodya kunababa venyu, kana kuudzwa kuti chikafu chirikuuya hatiudzwe, asi dzimwe nguva unotonzwa nevanhu kuti zita rako radedzerwa asi hauwani zvichireva kuti pane mumwe arikutodya nemazita edu” (We are not getting the food rations because they say go and feed from your Father’s plate. We are not even told about the distribution but sometimes we are told by people that our names were on the list and were called out but we do not get the food, meaning someone is benefitting on our behalf.) In Mwenezi North, Ward 4, Kraal Head Chitemere of Village 2, discriminately excluded two families from potential beneficiaries of fertiliser under the Pfumvudza supporting scheme stating that they never attend ZANU PF meetings and were not participating in the party activities. He declared the seedling program was for ruling party supporters only. 5

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