Masvingo In Masvingo, Zimbabwe, 22 human rights violations were documented. These incidents include harassment, intimidation, and forced participation in ruling party events and political discrimination on food aid distribution. Other violations included forced labour where in Bikita South and Masvingo North, villagers were coerced into joining the food for work program, toiling for over five hours daily for two months without receiving any food aid. There was also political intimidation where Mr. Court Zevezai, an assistant to the Member of Parliament for Bikita East, publicly declared civil servants who don't support the ruling party a threat, striking fear into the community. Incidents of coercive participation were also recorded where village heads have been forcing residents to attend ruling party meetings and join party structures to access governmentsponsored aid. These actions undermine the fundamental rights of Masvingo's citizens, perpetuating a culture of fear and oppression. Similar incidents have been reported in other parts of Zimbabwe, highlighting the need for urgent attention to address these systemic human rights abuses. Mashonaland East Mashonaland East province has seen a decline in human rights abuses, from 21 to 13, but the situation remains concerning. Unfair food aid distribution has led to conflicts among citizens, highlighting the desperation and competition for limited resources. Incidents of Intimidation and discrimination were recorded at Zihute hall, where Lovemore Muteyebani, a ZANU PF official, incited violence against opposition supporters in ward 30, specifically targeting those affiliated with the CCC. In a different incident, a male victim was assaulted for wearing a ZANU PF T-shirt. Incidents of political bias and discrimination have also been recorded regarding food aid distribution demonstrating a worrying trend of politicisation and manipulation of food aid, exacerbating existing tensions and vulnerabilities. The situation in Mashonaland East mirrors broader regional challenges where communities face precarious food supply situations due to the El Nino induced drought. In Zimbabwe, ensuring equitable access to food aid and addressing human rights abuses is crucial. The government must prioritise impartial distribution of resources, protecting vulnerable populations from exploitation and intimidation by ensuring there is impartial food aid distribution. Mashonaland West 23 human rights violations were recorded in Mashonaland West Province. Residents in Karoi are faced with a water crisis, relying on unhealthy streams for drinking water, sparking typhoid and cholera fears. Food aid distribution in Kariba has been contentious, as beneficiaries’ selection is biassed towards ruling party supporters. 11

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