VICTIM/PERPETRATORS ANALYSIS BY GENDER AND ASSOCIATION Female vitims 64 19% Victim Analysis by Affiliation Victim Gender analysis Unknown 56 19% Unknown 7 2% ZANU PF MDC M MDC N 4 6 2% 2% Male Victims 265 79% Male Victims Female 23 7% MDC- T Female vitims Zapu 1 0% MDC N MDC M MKD 1 0% ZANU PF 35 12% Unknown MKD Zapu War Vet MDC- T 191 65% Unknown Perpetrator Gender analysis Unknown 5 2% Unknown 4 1% ZRP 3 1% Male 298 91% Male Female Unknown MDC T MDC T 28 9% ZANU PF 291 89% ZANU PF ZRP Unknown This Report was produced and circulated by the Zimbabwe Peace Project, P O Box BE 427, Belvedere, Tel: (04) 747719, 2930180, 2930182 and email:, Please feel free to write to ZPP. We may not able to respond to everything but we will look at each message. For previous ZPP reports, and more information about the Project, please visit our website at 8

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