Unlawful Detention Theft/looting Total Right to personal liberty Property rights 1 1 37 Ø Masvingo Ø Harassment/Intimidation Right to personal integrity and human dignity 13 Assault Discrimination Displacement Malicious Damage Property Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood Property rights Property rights 4 2 2 1 to Ø Ø 22 a H Ø Harassment/Intimidation Right to personal integrity and human dignity 9 registration. A security officer at King Chime farm in Chakari was locked in a shop from 8pm to 4 am on 3 June 2015 by Zanu PF youths identified as Givemore Chinyani, Titus Mugadza, Garikai Mazani, Modern Marufu and Fundai Betera. He was accused of preventing them from taking over 25hectares of land from Tony Lubber a white farmer. They accused the man of being an MDC-T supporter. The case was reported to the police and the four appeared in court where they indicated that as Zanu PF members they do not like whites and blacks who sympathise with the whites. They were sentenced for 24 months and 6 months were suspended. A female Zanu PF supporter in Rimuka, Kadoma was assaulted by Perpetual Shava accompanied by 6 Zanu PF supporters on 27 June 2015. She was accused of secretly leading a group of women to support former Vice President Muiuru. The victim was assaulted by Shavausing bare hands. The case was not reported to the police. Zanu PF party in Masvingo is now suspicious of its own members especially those purported to belong to Gamatox. Even at cell level they are being weeded out of their posts and being replaced in the name of restructuring the party. On 24 June 2015, two brothers of Masvingo Urban who earn a living through selling music discs were discussing that Zanu PF should not celebrate the byelection victories because they had entered the field with little known parties. While they were talking Julius Zvoushe a Zanu PF activist came and harassed them intending to confiscate their discs. A Battalion Commander at 4.2 Infantry Battalion in Gutu near Mupandawana Growth Point sent his soldiers to farming plots at Chomufuli Farm.The soldiers went on to harass the community resident in these plots, setting houses on fire and destroying crops under unclear circumstances. Ø Intra party conflict was noted in Zanu PF where party members were at 18

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