attend the anti-sanctions march by Zanu PF activists around Tsungubvi bus terminus areas. Zanu PF youths sent by Legislator Mazungunye and other provincial members forced proprietors and vendors at Tsungubvi bus terminus areas to close business to attend the anti-sanctions march. The youths who were singing and chanting revolutionary songs threatened those defiant of their orders with assault hence many people attended against their will. Attack of CCC Polling Agents ZPP has documented numerous instances of CCC polling station agents being harassed and intimidated. There are several documented instances involving harassment, assault, and forced evictions. It is alleged that CCC members who were polling agents during the 2023 harmonised elections were being intimidated by suspected state security agents in Headlands. Reports indicate that polling agents at Moodiesville primary school (ward 38), in Headlands (ward 6) have been visited by suspicious people at night moving in unmarked vehicles. Reports confirm that the untimely visits forced some of the victims to sleep in the bush in fear of being abducted. It is alleged that among the victims are some who lost employment after elections for supporting Chamisa. After Zanu PF's questionable victory in August 2023, opposition parties are still being persecuted for participating as candidates and polling officers. The majority of the perpetrators' identities and locations are known, yet the Zimbabwe Republic Police are doing little to apprehend them. ZPP advocates for the upholding of every citizen's human rights, regardless of any political affiliation. Key Findings and Mitigation Measures Abductions used as a tool for repression The number of abductions recorded by ZPP pre and post keeps rising despite the calls from CSOs and the international community to end the culture of enforced disappearances. It is worrisome to learn that state security agents and the ruling party are allegedly using abductions as a means of silencing opposition.

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