THE DASHBOARD – INCIDENTS’ STATISTICS AT A GLANCE Analysis of Violence Victims by Party As the figure above shows, the political affiliation for a majority of political violence victims for February at 47.9% was unknown. MDC-T had 23.5 percent of the incidences, while war vets made up 19.7 percent of total incidences. This is the first time that war vets have made up the victims ‘slot. Also noticeable is that the new party ZimPF is already posting victims. Analysis of Violence Perpetrators by Political Party As the figure above shows, most of the perpetrators of political violence for February were from Zanu-PF at 61.5 % of the incidences. ZRP had 21.3 % of the perpetrators, while CIO also had incidences they perpetrated at 7.3%. 9

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