until Ngoza ordered Tizo to leave the Kairezi Village, Ward 21 in Muzarabani North. They went to their headman to resolve the issue but Ngoza and other Zanu-PF supporters still insist that Tizo leaves the area. The case was not reported to the police for fear of further victimisation.  On 15 February 2016, in Mazowe South, Givemore Fifteen allegedly accused Never Chatikobo (not real name) of Protea Farm of being an opposition supporter. The two ended up fighting with the victim being struck with a stick and collapsed.  On 25 February 2016, Dotito Rural District Council held a meeting which was called by councillor, Cowen Muchemwa, to call on all the kraal heads in Ward 14, Karanda to submit the number of boreholes which were not functioning from each village. Six out of forty-one kraalheads submitted the required information while the rest said they did not deal with Muchemwa because he is an MDC-T activist yet people do not have enough clean water in the ward.  In Mazowe East Ward 8, Kawanzaruwa Village it was announced that there was going to be a meeting to be addressed by Joice Mujuru of People First. Some people did not attend the meeting for fear of a repeat of the 2008 violence. Mashonaland East The internal strife within Zanu-PF intensified in Mashonaland East as the ZimPF party established its structures. Reports from Mashonaland East highlight numerous cases of defections from both Zanu-PF and MDC-T to ZimPF. This situation has resulted in more threats being directed against ZimPF supporters. Threats have also been directed against alleged supporters of Vice President, Emmerson Mnangagwa. In Maramba Pfungwe, a youth leader and a women’s league leader were expelled from local Zanu-PF structures for alleged sympathies for Mnangagwa. Highlights:  On 20 February 2016 in Goromonzi West the Zanu PF Mashonaland East Coordinating Committee booted out local Member of Parliament, Beatrice Beater Nyamupinga in a meeting held in Marondera. She was accused of being a sell-out who supports the ousted Vice President Joyce Mujuru. During the Zanu-PF annual conference in December last year some people in Goromonzi West constituency reported that Nyamupinga was the one who brought flyers for the coming of Mujuru in the district. This information circulated in the district in December.  On 20 February 2016 in Maramba Pfungwe, Fungai Muhammed, a Zanu-PF youth chairperson was sacked from Zanu-PF on allegations he was aligned to the Mnangagwa faction. He was dismissed together with Petronella Kagonye a member of the provincial women’s league.  On 20 February 2016 in Mudzi West village heads called for a Ward 8 development meeting at Masarakufa Business Centre. Villagers from the age of 20 to 70 attended the meeting and they were grouped according to their ages at the meeting. The village head who is the ward chairperson of Zanu-PF allegedly started chanting party slogans. 16

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