Provincial Summaries Bulawayo The major political unrest was noted within Zanu-PF structures as conflict intensified in the war veterans’ body. After news of the dismissal from Cabinet of War Veterans Minister, Chris Mutsvangwa, several war veterans held meetings where they pledged allegiance to and support for him. They then decided to go to Harare to demand a meeting with their patron President Mugabe. They were barred from going in buses by security agents but some went via other means and were later dispersed by police using water cannons. Continued conflict within the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T) resulted in the dismissal from the party and senate of Makokoba Senator, Matson Hlalo. The MDC led by Professor Welshman Ncube also had serious feuds resulting in the dismissal of the party’s secretary general, Moses Mzila Ndlovu. Highlights:  On 9 February 2016, at Mahatshula Centre in Ward 3 in Bulawayo East, former MDC-T members who had defected to the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) led by Tendai Biti, reportedly approached the MDC-T local leadership asking to be readmitted into the party. They were allegedly insulted verbally and told they were sellouts who could not be re-admitted into the party. Harare The province saw an unprecedented “attack” on war veterans who had gathered in the capital on 18 February 2016 to hold a rally at the City Sports Centre. This marked a turning point in the relations between this group and their patron, President Mugabe, as well as with the police. Mbare remains one of the hotbeds of political violence and on 28 February 2016 violence erupted between Zanu-PF youths and MDC-T youths who wanted to use a venue as a meeting point with their party leadership. February reports also show that the scourge of violence is also being witnessed within the opposition MDC-T. The party restructuring processes in St Mary’s were reportedly marred with some scuffles. Highlights:  On 18 February 2016, the police reportedly stopped a planned war veterans’ rally that was to be held at the City Sports Centre. War veterans who had gathered outside the City Sports Centre were ordered to disperse by the police who informed them the rally was to be held at the Zanu-PF Headquarters. The war veterans argued that the youths had been permitted to hold their rally at the same venue so they were also to be allowed to do the same. It is reported that the situation turned nasty as the police ended up firing teargas to disperse the war veterans. Reports of people having sustained injuries were reported. According to Victor Mutemadanda speaking on behalf of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association, about 30 war 13

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