In a case that was recorded during the month under review, Zanu PF through some Zaka legislators and party activists hijacked the parcelling out of new flea market stalls at Jerera Growth Point, Ward 19, Zaka Central. They took over production of a card system from Zaka Rural District Council giving the stalls to its membership in the district. This was despite a pre-existing agreement to allocate stalls to individuals who had paid the required fees 3 to 4 years prior, in favour of card carrying ZANU PF members. In some of the reported cases, traditional leaders were again responsible for perpetrating discrimination with some being holders of positions within the ruling party; which is against provisions of the Zimbabwe Constitution. ZPP continues to remind traditional leaders that they are custodians of culture and must be a uniting force instead of facilitating divisions among citizens. On 19 March, about 12 Zanu PF activists led by Dick Kwanona summoned parents and guardians at Tsengurwe Primary School in Mt Darwin South to re-elect members for the School Development Committee (SDC). Kwanona told the audience that they had dissolved the current SDC committee claiming that it was dominated by MDC supporters. Reports confirm that they tried to coerce parents to select a new SDC committee led by Zanu PF District Chairperson Frank Dick but villagers defied their orders. Kwanona and his colleagues left theschool threatening retributory action against all those who had defied their orders. Food discrimination case file- In Simangani Village at ward 10 of Hwange East, a Zanu PF activist, known as Ambrose Shoko a village head, told opposition members to excuse themselves during a food distribution exercise. Shoko told opposition members to receive food aid from their political party as they continue to disregard the leadership of President Mnangagwa. In Mazowe South, two Zanu PF Councillors reportedly harassed a villager at Rujeko High School during an Annual General Meeting where parents were electing new members for the SDC. On 1 March, the two councilors refused to accept the election of the victim as the new SDC Chairperson for unspecified reasons. They humiliated Gova in full view of parents, calling him derogatory names before instructing him to leave the school premises. They also undermined the School Headmaster and Deputy Headmaster who were in charge of the proceedings and stated that they will soon replace the victim with a ruling party candidate. Other Aid Discrimination Case File- on 25 March Vongai Kufa and Wilson Charamba of Charamba village in Zaka East, ward 20 denied a villager pesticide that they were entitled to receive under the government army worm program citing that the pesticide was only for those who attended ruling party meetings. This was despite the fact that the inputs were from the presidential input scheme that is supposed to benefit everyone regardless of political party affiliation. Barely a year after imposing a ban on the multicurrency system, the RBZ Governor announced that the USD could be used for purchasing ‘essential goods’. On 25 March that citizens were now free to use the USD in their day to day transactions so as to ease transaction pressure during the crisis period. The move was also meant to promote social distancing, a requisite in the fight against the spread of Corona virus. What is not clear to citizens is what will happen after the crisis has passed? Will the ban be re-imposed? Such lack of clarity in policy makes Zimbabwe unstable for investment and negatively 9

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