The trio reportedly warned them of a possible re-run in October saying that they will be punished worse than what happened in 2008. In Mudzi North ward 10 at Muguwamadzi Village, war veteran Kari Kuvimba threatened people with death if they attend opposition party meetings, wear opposition party regalia or vote for CCC during the elections.He reportedly warned people saying that he was above the law citing that no one can arrest him. Further he advised people to go and report anywhere stating that he was untouchable. "We are the sons and daughters of the President, nothing will happen to us," said Kuvimba. To buttress his point he said, "We are going to burn down houses of those who are opposing Zanu PF. FAZ is writing down names of people who are supporting the opposition and these will be dealt with. '' On 26 June, Zanu PF held a meeting in Guruve North at Katoni villlage in ward 23. The meeting was addressed by Solomon Musvaire, a member of FAZ. Reports indicate that during the meeting Masvaire advised people to join ruling party cell structures before elections. Those who attended the meeting were warned to abide by the following; Cell chairpersons are to lead their cells and closely monitor their members when voting on August 2023 All opposition members should be clearly known so that they don't vote on polling day Those who do not support Zanu PF should be identified for punishment if the situation becomes tense in case of a re-run. It is said that the agenda of the meeting was to advise the electorate that they were being closely monitored hence they should vote well for Zanu PF to achieve 5 million votes. Many videos and audios along the same lines have gone viral and the message is the same that citizens are being watched, they should be a member of the Zanu PF cell structures, attend weekly meetings where registers are kept and go to the polling station together as a cell group to avoid the worst that could happen to them. In some communities, people have been told that if they are members of CCC they should relocate until after the elections as they might be caught in a cross fire. The ZPP is deeply troubled by the misinformation that communities are getting to the effect that some people somewhere will know how they would have voted. It is important that voter education has to start in earnest and set the record straight for some of the mis/disinformation citizens are subjected to. 08

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