Manicaland Manicaland recorded an increase in cases of intimidation and harassment of citizens by Zanu PF supporters ahead of the 2023 harmonised elections. There were serious threats by Zanu PF supporters to unleash violence on opposition CCC supporters. On 17 June, a group of four Zanu PF sympathisers besieged a bar in ward 33, of Buhera South, around 2000 hrs, brandishing an AK47 rifle. The youths who were in search of the CCC ward coordinator, and a CCC activist reportedly fired gunshots at the bar. Villagers who were drinking at the homestead abandoned their liquor and left the venue running for their lives. In an incident reported on 22 June (10am), Raymond Madzinza Saurombe the current acting Chief in Manicaland led a delegation of traditional leaders including some officials from the Ministry of Local Government to Rusitu community, ward 23 in Chimanimani East. Saurombe who claims to be the spokesperson of all traditional leaders from Chimanimani district allegedly attacked the Rusitu community for allowing opposition parties especially the CCC to hold activities in the area. He is said to have told the gathering that no opposition parties should campaign there. He called all opposition parties sell outs before warning people of the dangers of being members of the opposition. He further said that Zanu PF will take unspecified harsh measures against traitors. Traditional leaders were told to 'shepherd' their people to the polls on 23 August 2023 and ensure that all their people voted for Zanu PF by all means necessary. Masvingo Political space for opposition parties continued to shrink as Zanu PF limited space for level contestation through intimidation and harassment. In ward 21 at Gangare Clinic of Bikita East it was reported that Zanu PF was forcing citizens to attend their cell group exercise and coerced the participants to wear party regalia. The group was led by Vengai Muchini, Innocent Musora, Tinotenda Rangarira and Kudakwashe Machinapaya. Citizens were made to sing Zanu PF songs, recite chants and warned to support the ruling party and not opposition. A similar intimidation tactic was recorded in Chivi Central, where Munashe Pwanyai the ward 16 councillor intimidated villagers and opposition members. It was said that when he was given a chance to speak as the ward councillor at a funeral in Gwenyaya village, he started chanting Zanu PF slogans. More so, the surge in intimidation cases was witnessed at Nyika Growth Point, it was noted that a CCC supporter and businessperson was intimidated by approximately 12 Zanu PF supporters. It is said that the group led by Vena Nyangara, and one called Gopo approached the CCC supporter and ordered him to move from the growth point as he was an opposition supporter. The assailants were shouting that the CCC supporter should be killed or else have his property burnt to ashes. 20

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