to receive food aid and farming inputs. Dube opined that MDC continue to disregard Zanu PF accusing the party of being illegitimate hence MDC supporters did not deserve to receive food from an illegitimate party. Only Zanu PF activists were given food while known opposition activists were denied aid. In a unique case, an unidentified Zanu PF member apologized to villagers in Bikita East Constituency after he had attempted to politicize aid, only to be informed by the District Administrator’s office that the aid was from the government and not the party and was therefore supposed to benefit everyone regardless of their political affiliation. On 10 December 2019, maize seed was delivered at Boora School for distribution. One Kandoro and Chipiwa who are Zanu PF branch chairpersons were then instructed by an unidentified Zanu PF official to inform villagers to attend the distribution clad in Zanu PF regalia. The gathering was then politicized as villagers were made to chant Zanu PF slogans. MDC members who were present then sought clarification of the source of the aid. The local councillor then enquired the source of the aid from the District Administrator’s office and the constituency MP and was informed that the aid was from the government and not the party. The unidentified Zanu PF official who had come from Nyika and politicized the distribution then apologised to villagers and the distribution proceeded with everyone getting their share. It is such kind of regret that can build community cohesion and ensure no one is discriminated. Police brutality and harassment is disturbing as it presents a scenario where the supposed citizens’ protectors become a threat to the same citizens. On 12 December 2019, anti- riot police officers assaulted and apprehended vendors and members of the public in Harare CBD at Market Square. In the midst of street battles with vendors, police assaulted labour rights activist, Nation Mudzitirwa whom they spotted disembarking from renowned human rights lawyer, Douglas Coltart’s vehicle. Mudzitirwa sustained serious injuries on the face, back and knees. Among the victims who were apprehended were six males and seven females. The police also forced Mudzitirwa into their vehicle and later released him without any charge, before getting to Harare Central Police Station. In another case, on 24 December 2019, Abel Karowangoro, a Zimbabwe Media Commission (ZMC) accredited journalist working for the Zimbabwe Morning Post was arrested in Harare’s CBD. Karowangoro was apprehended by five anti-riot police officers while filming queues of pensioners battling to withdraw their money from banks. The police details took him to Harare Central Police Station where they interrogated and detained him before his

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