#PROVINCIAL OUTLOOK MASVINGO Masvingo Province was a hype of political activities and once again, Zanu PF politicians abused their authority by bringing in the police into factional fights. There were marked incidents resulting from factional squabbles in Zanu PF in Chivi, Gutu and Masvingo Urban. In Chivi, the party’s District Coordinating Committee elections, previously postponed six times due to violence, continued at Masunda South School, and MP Ephraim Gwanongodza, brought in the police. There were disagreements over the type of ballot paper to be used and once again, the elections did not take off. The partisan distribution of aid continued in the province. In Gutu North, ward 8, the councillor, Lazarus Hute and his Zanu PF committee allegedly distributed 10kg bags each of maize seed and fertilizers to Zanu PF supporters only. The Councillor and his committee then allocated themselves four bags of fertilizers each. MIDLANDS In the Midlands province, intimidation of opponents by Zanu PF members remained high. In Gokwe North, Chireya, Zaranyika village, Tendai Marovanidze, reportedly moved around the area intimidating people claiming to be a party informer sent to communicate the information about those engaging in opposition political activity. Marovanidze would reportedly record videos, audios or take pictures as part of evidence. MASHONALAND EAST There was an increase in cases of intimidation and inequality and discrimination and the political space for opposition activism continued to narrow. Zanu PF activists reportedly blocked members of the newly formed party United Zimbabwe Alliance from mobilising supporters. On 20 December, in Chikomba West at High-view shops about 100 villagers convened to receive government funded inputs. It is alleged that, the distribution was done on partisan lines and beneficiaries were only those that had signed up for the Zanu PF cells. There was a stampede when an angry crowd of people who had been denied access to the inputs stormed the truck carrying the inputs and police had to be called in. MANICALAND In Manicaland like the other province, there was significant political activity within the Zanu PF party, which was holding its internal elections for provincial chairpersons countrywide. The factional fights resulted in some violent confrontations pitting supporters from rival factions and in one incident, a Zanu PF member destroyed a house belonging to another member in Buhera North ward 9, Chitanda village. The victim, who is visually impaired, was accused by supporters of sitting Buhera North MP William Mutomba, of belonging to Mutomba’s prospective challenger for the 2023 elections, Phillip Guyo. The Zanu PF squabbles also extended to the food aid distribution and at Gaza Township, Ward 10, Buhera North, some beneficiaries’ names were missing from the distribution list, and the Agricultural Extension officer responsible for the distribution was accused of taking sides in the Zanu PF factional wars. This indicates how Zanu PF has completely hijacked the aid distribution processes and usurped the role of government officials who are supposed to serve everyone regardless of political affiliation. MASHONALAND CENTRAL Mashonaland Central province remained a political hotspot of human rights violations. The province continued to record clashes during the Zanu PF Provincial Committee elections and an increase in cases of partisan distribution of Pfumvudza presidential inputs meant to boost Zimbabwe food’s security. In some other communities villagers complained that the government failed to avail farming inputs on time for them to cultivate early before the farming season. This year the inputs distributed by the government were reportedly not enough for everyone to benefit hence many people had to buy inputs on their own. In Bindura north in some wards 5 people had to share a bag of fertilizer and a 10kg of maize seed. The inputs were not enough to cater for all beneficiaries. In Mazowe South in some wards, people who had prepared their land anticipating to receive pfumvunza farming inputs did not benefit. The duty bearers resposible for compiling names told them that they registered late for the program.

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