INCIDENCES OF POLITICALLY MOTIVATED VIOLATIONS MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS OF HR VIOLATIONS # OF ACTS HR PROVINCE ACTS OF VIOLATIONS Right to liberty and security of person 2 Harassment/intimidation Right to personal integrity and human dignity 14 Discrimination Theft/Looting Total Right to food, aid and livelihood Property rights 5 1 23 Harassment/intimidation Assault Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity Discrimination Total Right to food, aid and livelihood 53 10 4 68 Midlands Manicaland Assault There is a general calmness in the province with sporadic reports of cases of harassment, intimidation and discrimination. Intra party conflicts have been recorded in both Zanu PF and MDC- T as politicians jostle for influential positions ahead of their congresses. There was an increase in the number of incidents reported in the month of September by 10% compared to the previous month. Ø 5 September 2014-War veteran Pedzisai Ndorwe denied an MDC-T supporter the right to sell her garden produce at Woodlands market in Makoni Central based on her political affiliation. Her rights to work, adequate food and freedom of association were violated. Ø 26 September 2014 - In Chimanimani West at Ngangu Village known Central Intelligence Operatives Melusi Sibanda, Gwekwerere and others travelling in a vehicle with registration number ABT7752 moved around intimidating people telling them not to attend MDC-T meeting the following day.. Ø 29 September 2014- A Zanu PF activist was beaten up by suspected soldiers for allegedly saying Doctor Grace Mugabe had “fake degrees”. The incident took place at Magada Night Club Hob-House 2 in Dangamvura/Chikanga constituency. The matter was reported at Chikanga Police Station but no arrests were made. The intra-party conflicts in both the MDC-T and Zanu PF parties continue to mar the province. There were also incidents of intimidation and harassment recorded. Ø 17 September2014 - In Gokwe Sasame Village Gumiremhete in Ward 12, Richard Mpamhadzi a soldier and his friends approached the headman and almost assaulted him accusing him of occupying too much land whilst Mpamhadzi and the others had very small pieces of land to till. Ø 17 September 2014-In Silobela Masiyapambeli Village ward 24, Samuel Malunga and Obert Ndlovu both of the Zanu PF denied two men the right to collect heifers which were being offered by Honourable Welshmen Ncube to locals on loan. The two victims were being accused of supporting Ncube. 6

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