JULY 2017 Food and Other Aid Violations 1/One 1/One 1/One 6/Six 2/Two 0/Zero 1/One 7/Seven 3/Three 3/Three South. Mangondo labelled Zarura a sell-out and told her to revert to the ruling party if she intends to continue fetching water at the site. ZanuPF Muzarabani South acting secretary, George Mutemakungu, allegedly discriminated against MDC-T members at a ward meeting held in Mutemakungu village ward 18 on 8 July. Mutemakungu convened a ward meeting whose objective was submission of names of food aid beneficiaries, preparation for biometric voter registration and identification of ZanuPF traitors. *Victor Midzi and *Onias Chikozho were labelled traitors and were not short-listed as beneficiaries because they are known MDC-T activists. Other ruling party members, Wellington Gweru and Prosper Tsvuura, told opposition supporters to join ZanuPF prior to the 2018 elections if they want to be registered as food aid beneficiaries. In Chikanga/Dangamvura at Rujeko Primary, it was reported that on the 14 July at a distribution of Sussex chicks the Manicaland Senator, Judith Mawire, who is also a ZanuPF member allegedly threatened teachers with unspecified action if they failed to ensure success of ZanuPF projects. Mawire is alleged to have added that as the country heads towards 2018 elections, people must be careful not to sabotage ZanuPF projects. On the day, the senator handed over 50 chicks to the school. She said that the chicks were part of the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation (ZIMASSET) blueprint. It is alleged that ZanuPF youth, Maxwell Kwanda, and two unidentified ruling party youths went around Amandas villages in Mazowe West ward 5, creating a database for food aid beneficiaries. Kwanda and his team were writing down names, Identity numbers, contacts and addresses of residents in ward 15 on 9 July. Residents were told the information compiled was important for the ruling party to define social welfare department food aid beneficiaries. Many residents raised concerns on the initiative, questioning the credentials of the youths although most villagers still registered. It is alleged that in Mazowe South ward 16, an MDC-Tactivist was denied food aid during a social welfare distribution at Kwayedza farm. ZanuPF Kwayedza branch chairperson Darlington Mbewe distributed food hand-outs to beneficiaries and denied allocating *Emily Nyikadzino, on allegations that she was an MDC-T activist. On 9 July ZanuPF party members were the first to benefit. It is alleged that on 7 July, *Isabel Zarura was stopped from fetching water from a local borehole by ZanuPF chairperson, Susan Mangondo, on allegations of being an National People’s Party member. On 7 July Mangondo blocked Zarura on her way to fetch borehole water in Chamagora village, ward 15 of Mt Darwin 22

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